It would've been better if...

It would've been better if she actually died! Don't you think?


No. This was a lighter warmer movie. If she had died it would have been too depressing. Besides they were showing how much she was changing after learning she was going to die, it would have been a waste if she had died.


I would have liked it if the character Lanie had dyed. There's a reference at the start to her 'trademark' blonde hair. I was convinced the movie would have her in New York doing the interview as a brunette, and that'd be the reason she didn't get the job (making two prophecies come true). :)


I thought that it would be one of those 'I was technically dead for a min' things, the "part of me died" was just way too much of a cop-out, really I thought it was utter rubbish. I was hoping she's get run down by a bus but a technically dead but revived would have been way better than the actual ending.


Hey can someone please tell me what actually happened in this movie?? I would absolutely LOVE that!! What happened was it was on tv the other night so I video taped it and then when I tried to watch it someone had stopped it before the movie had finished! So I missed the end and I am SO annoyed!! I was just up to the part where Lanie is talking to that Debra Connerson person and they've just changed the couches!! Please write back anyone with what happened next or how it ended, anything!



well, she was talking to her and made her cry (I think) well she did something anyway. then when she was leaving the building someone stopped her and told her someone upstairs (i think it was the manager) wanted to see her and she was going to get promtoted as she had done such a good job. I dont think she wanted the promotion and so she left the job.

While she was walking a man with a gun was quite near and police were trying to control him, unfortunatly the man shot the gun and the bullet went into Lanie's leg.

We next see her in the hospitl unconcious with Pete beside her, she soon wakes up and they have a mushy conversation and they live happily ever after.


it sounded like she DID flatline for a minute, though. You hear it flatline, and see the bright light, which then dissapears again...


Yes I thought she was going to see the light and go up to heaven, and then come back down, you know really dead for a second, and then come back..

It was kind of a silly movie, but i thought that Angie's acting was excellent as always. She is a great actress..

I thought some of her scenes were quite moving.


yes! so much. I thought that the ending was too contrived and was basically a cop-out cause they wanted to market the movie as a chick flick. SHe should have died, no question.


At least THIS movie didn't center the plot of the movie on the FACT that she died. There was always some doubt... and Jack even said he wished that he was proved wrong at least once, so he could get some rest. And guess what, he was proved wrong... hence why he was at a baseball game enjoying himself instead of on top of a park bench.

If you really want to be ticked of by a movie's ending, try seeing 'The Lakehouse' logically, and it will break your brain! Now that was one movie with an ending that was completely contrived and impossible!


I ABSOLUTELY agree with you! It would be better if she died!But i loved that movie anywayz!It's really important for all of us who sometimes take life for granted!



Actually, one of the themes of the movie is that none of us is perfect, and we all make mistakes, or see things wrong.
In this case, Jack actually wished that he would make an incorrect prediction for once, so that he could perhaps get some rest, and not be compelled to be a prophet all the time.
So, hey... guess what, he did make an incorrect prediction (though it was totally based on fact. She was shot, she did almost die. I think if she'd gone into the elevator, a rope would have snapped and she'd go careening to the bottom anyway) so he got a vacation at the end.
So then, everyone was happy... including him.



Maybe the homeless dude lied. He knew she was going to come close to death, but told her that she was actually going to die because he knew that THEN she would actually change her life.

If she had died, then she would've changed her life for nothing. Because...she would've been dead. Might as well just not tell her to begin with, if in the end it's going to be for nothing.


'well, she was talking to her and made her cry (I think) well she did something anyway. then when she was leaving the building someone stopped her and told her someone upstairs (i think it was the manager) wanted to see her and she was going to get promtoted as she had done such a good job. I dont think she wanted the promotion and so she left the job.

While she was walking a man with a gun was quite near and police were trying to control him, unfortunatly the man shot the gun and the bullet went into Lanie's leg.

We next see her in the hospitl unconcious with Pete beside her, she soon wakes up and they have a mushy conversation and they live happily ever after. '

so what was that whole part about where pete says to her that maybe she is going to die in the life she is living now, and that she should try to change her path

then when the guy in the building told her the manager wanted to see her, and she said 'no im going home' did anybody else think this was her taking a different path and therefore was going to avoid death? because if she HAD gone upstairs, then she would have missed the whole man-with-gun scene in the street.

That would have made more sense.
