Tommy mentions Brad Pitt?

OK, I'm watching this movie for the first time on a crappy local channel that has a bit of static (read: no cable). I'm about halfway through this flick and I coulda sworn that during the scene with Angelina, Ed Burns and the kid playing his son Tommy, walking on the boardwalk - that the kid says to Angelina (while discussing her ex fiance) should go off and marry Brad Pitt. Did I just hear that, or was it the wine talkin? If so, then someone in the movie actually is psychic! If you have a DVR or this film on DVD, please let me know!


...Pitt separated from his wife Jennifer Aniston in January 2005 and, in the months that followed, he was frequently seen in public with Jolie...
The above quote from Jolie's minibio would suggest that this movie preceded her relationship with Pitt by about 3 years.


I just checked this out and I think that you heard the boy say: Can you and Brad Pitt marry somedays? Knowing what to hear, it kinda resembled to me that he was saying that but because he is saying this sentence fast and after I turned the subtitle on I found out that he is saying this: Can you still get good Mariners seats?. Thats it. :)


Oh, God, that was one hilarious little exchange. Thanks, guys, for the best laugh I've had all week! =D

Since my husband is hearing-impaired and we thus have our closed-captioning turned on quite often, I could point out that the subtitles put on the screen are sometimes completely wrong (even when the captioned version makes no sense, whereas the original line was quite easy to understand). But I wonder if that might unnecessarily re-start the debate...


Tommy says that she might have kids if she and Cal Cooper get married someday. Which is why she tells him right afterwards that she and Cal broke up.

And no, "Back to the Future II" didn't accurately predict the Florida Marlins winning the World Series either!

