I'm offended

That movie was the farthest from funny, it was offending


shut up

I can do anything i want...
And so can you...


Wow, offended? If you are offended by this movie, I can only imagine you curl up at night and cry yourself to sleep every night. Well, I suppose you could have no sense of humor for paradies too. Anyone who grew up watching 70s to present Kung Fu movies would appreciate this in some way. But to be fair, perhaps you could post what you actually found offending? I mean if low budget prop gags offend you, well then that explains it. :)
I personally loved the head covers!!!!


THANK YOU!!! Someone who hates this piece of *beep* movie as much as I do!



Yes, if you don't mind, I'd also like to know what you found offensive, as most of the jokes are meant to make fun of those things which normally ARE offensive! Comedy is a very difficult thing, and relies heavily on personal experience - it also comes from a pretty specific point-of-view. Reviewers in London didn't get it, and despite the subject matter, I wouldn't even expect viewers in Asia to get it! It's an "American" movie from an "Asian-American" point-of-view... but what's to be "offensive?"


If they were offended by the movie, its their business I suppose, but, nonetheless, there wasn't anything in this movie that was even close to offensive besides maybe the fact that it wasn't that funny in the long run. I laughed at a couple of parts, but its basically a ripoff of Kung Pow...which is funny.


Not likely a ripoff of Kung Pow, even if you did like that movie. Kung Phooey was made before Kung Pow so if anything, the inverse is true. To set the record straight, Phooey's script had circulated the Hollywood agents 6-7 years earlier, and although Phooey was released here in 2004, it was completed before Pow was shot. Who's trying to re-invent the wheel anyway?


Not really, Kung Pow a spoof of how Kung Fu movies were mistreated when they were brought over to America. Kung Phooey is a spoof on common story elements of Kung Fu movies and shows.


Lighten up, Francis.
