MovieChat Forums > Siworae (2000) Discussion > Different ending (spoiler)

Different ending (spoiler)

Does anyone think the movie would be more powerful without the final scene. Imagine how you would feel with a close on the girl(Hyun) crying at the mailbox realizing what she had done with no 'happy' end. Personally, I was a bit let down by the current ending. Otherwise I thought the movie was great.


hmm I don't think it was really that 'happy'...
gonna quote my other rep (too lazy =P)

I think it was happy and sad at the same time, which leaves you with a strange feeling, without knowing what you should really feel about the ending. I mean, it's happy because Sung-Hyun doesn't die, but it's also sad because the Eun-Joo he meets at the ending is not the same girl he exchanged letters with, so Eun-Joo doesn't feel the same way as the "other" (and gone, since that future was broken up) Eun-Joo felt towards him, even though she may accept to believe in Sung-Hyun...
I guess this is very sad... try to imagine it: you, with a lot of nice memories you had with a girl; and this girl, with absolutely no memories of you (you're a completely stranger to her) -_-


Just watched this movie...another great asian film.

I have to agree that the film would have been better if it just ended with her crying at the post box.

With the current ending you never know, she might fall in love with him all over again upon hearing the long story.

I just think the film would have been more powerful without the final scene and would have been more thought provoking (sorry for the spelling if its spelt wrong but its like almost 7am here!). Instead your left here with a "slightly" sour taste in your mouth.

Still an excellent film.


I understand what you mean (her not falling in love with him), but I really think it can’t be otherwise. Apart from all the stuff he knows from her her, like her life, job, things she lost, etc, that would be too overwhelming to her, there is also the destiny thing that we hear right before they meet. He says "The fact that I don’t show up two years from now must mean that we weren’t meant to be." - but as they finally end up meeting each other, they were meant to be together after all.


ah nice find, true, they even repeat it at the end. nice lad .)


i would think that while he will be writing with her through the mail box while he was in the past, the girl will continually receives the letter and had the same experience.



I think that the final scene was added with an eye on the public (i.e., cash) and not to improve the film. On the contrary, it would have been better without this "happy ending", as you wrote. Perhaps the producers told the director that a sad ending would frighten potencial audience away. Thinking that this one would be the "director's cut", I do prefer to stop the DVD before this scene!


You haven't seen a lot of korean romance films I take it. Most are sad and depressing endings. Its usually not the norm to have a happy ending like this.


Another wonderful asian movie. Gosh, Sandra Bullock sucks in comparision to the great JI-HYUN JUN. Yes, the ending was the one and only concession of the film to the random moviegoer. But was great nowadays. Yes, it would be better with the girl crying at the box.


how did it end again?


I agree about the ending. I was almost in tears watching him dying and her crying and then all of a sudden he's alive again and talking to her. It was too much of a sudden shift especially considering the pace of the rest of the film. So yes it's a wonderful film minus the last scene :)



I have watched the movie several times and i agree this is one of my favorite korean movie, however, why did seung hyun waited until she was moving out Il Mare, not when she was moving in, and where did he live since he was alive due to the note he received. Was he staklking her until she was ready to move into the new apartment, confused...


I think the ending was meant for the story to come to a full circle, since it all started with Eun-joo moving out of Il Mare. Or yes, it could be for the commercial value of it, since more viewers would love a "happy" ending. This probably is the inconsistency of Il Mare, compared to Frequency, that whenever something in the past with Dennis Quaid is changed, it has a direct and current effect to the future with his son Jim Caviezel. Since Sung-hyun did not die, he should have not moved out of Il Mare. Hmm... this is subject to more exposition, including that he is stalking Eun-joo all this time. He probably did wait for that day of her moving out of Il Mare since it is the date of Eun-joo's first letter, and just let everything that happened to Eun-joo between '98 to 2000 to happen just as it did (that's why he moved out). Overall, I just fell in love with Il Mare the first time I saw it, and contemplated/disected the little details on my fifth and sixth time that I saw it. =D


Agreed, it is kinda stupid since all of the guy's friends are saying he's dead and suddenly here he is. It makes the whole story inconsistent.


yeah actually the producers wanted to have an ending where she stood at the post but most koreans deemed that the ending was too sad even for a korean film...


i love the ending of the movie..i cried soo hard of relief..with her crying in the mailbox will leave you wanting for more..will make you think that she was the reason why the guy least the ending showed that they were given another chance of may work or not but at least there was the chance..


It is so damned annoying the way "arthouse" movie fans get so pissed off if someone dares to film a happy ending to an otherwise perfect movie in their opinion.

Guess what? Having a depressing and crappy ending is old. Making movies like that for a generation that can't stand anything mainstream or happy is over.

It's about !@#$% time someone decided to let the option of hope be allowed into movies such as this one.

Frodo failed. Bush has the ring.


"jdacats" I totally agree that we ALL need hope, in our movies as well. PS:Loved your "Frodo failed. Bush has the ring." You made me laugh for the lst time this week!


i love the ending of the movie..i cried soo hard of relief..with her crying in the mailbox will leave you wanting for more..will make you think that she was the reason why the guy least the ending showed that they were given another chance of may work or not but at least there was the chance..

Totally agreed. I liked that the ending left the possibility open. It was still kind of sad because she couldn't remember him but there was still some hope.


I actually loved the ending! I did think that it ended with him dying but then bam! happy ending! :D So, I got the best of both worlds, a tragedy (which are always great) and a happy ending! I wouldn't want it any other way

Why did you write that Jim? Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?
