Suspension of Disbelief

I definitely didn't go into this movie expecting it to have logistics accuracy of Tom Clancy, but for a name that is obviously borrowed from the Half-Life video game mod, I didn't expect to be a total disappointment.

// Spoilers herein

A lot of things I was able to let go - dialogue between military personel and heads of state that were totally rediculous. A total communications black out, but a secret service agent gets authorized to bring his nifty radio on board so he doesn't get homesick - a radio by the way that doesnt work one minute, but the next it's working with crystal clarity, even when the bad guys are still having problems from "atmospheric interference", the radio is still a-ok. Or maybe when the 3 SEALs are unable to shoot someone who walks into clear sight for 3 seconds. And, of course, the enemy submarine captain is "brilliant" for hiding under the Queen so it won't be fired upon... then all the sudden they moved, without any explaination so that they could be destroyed.

Ok, so I can let all of that go. Then, there is using a fire extinguisher -- A FIRE EXTINGUISHER -- to FREEZE the electronics of the bomb to stop it. If anyone didn't particularly understand this, electronics don't stop working when you freeze them. Infact, freezing integrated circuits and microprocessors makes them work *better*. This scene alone takes the film from a silly romp to one of the stupidest movies ever made.


roflmao :) Im sure this review is better then the film.



I think you are confusing microprocessors with superconductors but yeah, this movie sucked


well i saw this movie like about idk 4 or so years ago and i liked it lol


is my knowedge of electronics rusty or isnt microprocessors made out of superconductors ? you know a microprocessor is printed on a solid piece of silicon. i donno maybe i got it wrong


There be Spoilers here!

Where to start? A Chinese nuclear sub that comes to the surface suspicious with guns drawn, but when the six deck personnel are removed from action, the submarine is then easily captured.

Or perhaps it is that the Commander of the American submarine is wearing Lieutenant bars, in the wrong direction, and they are not shirt insignia but jacket insignia.

Or how about a vital mission that needs to be done so they send out a two engine prop, 1960's era aircraft, instead of at least a C-130. The latter way, if they lose an engine, they don't have to abort the mission.

Or the powers that be who are handling the hostage situation are transmitting their entire hand, all their cards in the hole, over an unecrypted radio circuit that anyone can listen in on.

Or perhaps it is the terrorists taking the ship and then leaving it lit up like a Christmas tree so it is easily found.

Those are the easy errors. Tack on lousy security firefight tactics, national security that is so easily distracted and hardly thourough, vastly forgetting about the threat of a terrorist that only 3 gunmen are sent out to take him in, dedicated agents who spend crucial seconds arguing as brothers, and national leaders who when they learn they have nuclear codes in unfriendly hands, still think in terms of only saving the ship and onboard lives.

And then there are things of physics, continuity, and errors in engineering. The QE2 probably has a lot of forward momentum before it stops. A submarine that starts off as an apparent Los Angles class type, then spends most of the movie as a Trident type like its counterpart and then one of them is apparently a Soviet Sierra for a moment during the final fight. Finally, Tridents don't have bow torpedo doors.

It's a movie that's very hard to swallow.


good post thumbs up
