Still Game 7.06

Excellent finale IMO, loved the writing and the community feel which has always been a great strength of Still Game. 

The Cuckoo's Nest subplot was spot on plus Ronnie Ancora did a top job in her Nurse Ratched-type role!

The only thing missing was a cameo from Edith but I'm sure she'll pop up eventually.

I know a few people have been underwhelmed by Still Game's return but I've loved it!

Gutted that it's over but surely it'll be back for another series!

Craig's Cinematic Critique


i agree Edith is a popular character so very strange she was missing from this series, you saw the massive reaction she got at the live show.


I think the best episode was the one with the bath and the gifts.
not too keen on Mick would much have prefered Edith instead.
The CGI for the crickets was really really bad, plus crickets dont fly like that

in the crickets episode winston is walking though the underpass and sees mick, but behind winston was an asian guy on the phone, it really looked like Navid out of costume and walking behind as his real self.


An easter egg is Mrs Fletcher. Nurse Ratchet was played by the actress Louise Fletcher.
