Jimmy Connors

I don't have the ESPN show, but I did find the Biography program. Jimmy seems so much more soft spoken than he did back in his feisty younger days. I've heard that he doesn't trust too many people, but its nice to know that he and Chrissie Evert have maintained a good friendship. I want to see the ESPN.

I also hope that some company one day decides to release some of the great matches of the past. People always claim that the new generation is "the greatest," well in my opinion that's only because they haven't seen what's come before. Jimmy, Borg, and Johnny Mc (and assorted others) were pretty darned great. So were Chris, BJK, Martina, and many other female players. It would be fine to see those old matches again. Especially World Team Tennis from the 70's.

I can dream, can't I....

