MovieChat Forums > My Little Eye (2004) Discussion > Key Determining Issues/Questions

Key Determining Issues/Questions

1. One possible interpretation was that, at the end of the movie, when Matt was peeping at the locked Emma, it was Emma who shot him (instead of the fake cop). Re-watch that scene again and you'd know what I mean.

2. Basically, the fake cop, Travis and Matt were in cahoots (irrespective of whether they were of the same company or not). So towards the end, it CAN ALSO MAKE COMPLETE SENSE if it was Matt who killed the fake cop (instead of the other way round). Purpose? So that Matt can get the rich few clients' subscription fees all to himself (or sharing them only with Travis).

3. If all 5 can really make it after 6 months, do you think the company will honour their word in giving each of them 1 million dollars each? I seriously think so. Otherwise they won't have clients or participants in future games.


1. I'm not quite sure about this, i haven't watched it for a good while, but i suppose it may be possible, though i would be surprised if that was the case.

2. Matt was just another pawn in the game. He didn't realise this. He thought he was part of it but in fact he was the biggest fish. I think it's pretty fair to assume that he isn't in a position to make such a bold move, due to his naivete a few minutes prior.

3. It's unclear what you mean, but there was never any possibility of them handing out any money as they were all going to be killed anyway.


For (2), you are right. Matt might lack the guts to kill the fake cop. But if he did, (and subsequently kill Travis), he will get all the money to himself.

For (3), in the event that some participants outwitted the company by either escaping their killings or in turn find/make/conceal some weapons and kill them (i.e. Matt and the fake cop) instead, Travis WILL HAVE NO CHOICE but to pay them the million dollars each. Otherwise the clients who pay to watch the epic would curse and swear of its non-realism, "What the hell? They can really stay at the house for 6 months and yet they don't get their million-dollar rewards? I want a refund!" And BTW, the clients still get to watch killings on screen, namely the participants killing Matt and the fake cop.


2. What you are suggesting is dependant on a lot of improbable factors IMO.

3. Sorry, im not deliberately trying to start an argument (!), but that doesn't make much sense. If one of them did happen to escape the last thing they would be doing was going looking for Travis to claim $1 million, they'd be down the police station reporting the fact that they'd just spent 6 months being "players" in an internet snuff-movie. And the clients would be concerned with being uncovered rather than the morality of the Company not paying out a faux-reward that the clients obviously understood never existed in the first place.


I understand and agree with your viewpoint. No offence was taken; in fact it was a piece of constructive criticism.


"Otherwise the clients who pay to watch the epic would curse and swear of its non-realism, "What the hell? They can really stay at the house for 6 months and yet they don't get their million-dollar rewards? I want a refund!" "

The clients are paying to see these people brutally murdered. They don't even care enough about them as human beings to want them to survive. Why would they care enough about them to want them to get their million dollars? If they wanted a refund, it would be because they didn't see any deaths.


Fully agreed. But let's look at things at another angle. Me, being a morally upright person (unlike those in the movie), when heard of a reality show that screens participants needing to stay on an island for a definite period of time (and that they will be rewarded with a million dollar if they succeed), will be interested to pay the cable TV/Internet station to watch it.

I am not wanting to watch them being killed (and if this happens, I will alert the police immediately). I am wanting to see if they can work as a team to succeed, or if they can resist the temptations/traps in making them abandon the island. So I FEEL for them. Which means if they succeed, I rejoice and celebrate with them on winning the reward.

But if I realise that the organisers don't honour their promise, I will lodge a complaint / ask for a refund for its breach of realism.


You are taking the piss now, right?


"I am not wanting to watch them being killed (and if this happens, I will alert the police immediately). I am wanting to see if they can work as a team to succeed, or if they can resist the temptations/traps in making them abandon the island. So I FEEL for them. Which means if they succeed, I rejoice and celebrate with them on winning the reward."

You don't seem to get it. You would not hear about this reality show. Remember when Rex went online to find information about the show? He saw nothing. Not a single ad, and he could not find the site anywhere. He finally got when someone gave it to him, and it was a beta site, a series of random numbers and letters, not a regular domain name with actual words. The site is a secret, and it is passed around underground to people who want to watch people be murdered.

You said yourself that if you saw one of them killed, you would report it to the police, so why would "the company" want to advertise the site to you?


1 she couldnt of shot him there was no bullet mark on the window. Matts blood spatters over hte window but the bullet came from the cop in my view.
2don't we see matts dead body propped against the door
