MovieChat Forums > My Little Eye (2004) Discussion > disgrace to all horrors!!

disgrace to all horrors!!

this film is a disgrace to all good horrors why the hell does it take an hour for the first person to be killed i mean i just does not work like that a good horror will have guts spilling out within 5 min of the film this film makes me sad!!


As a not a fan of the horror genre but being a great fan and appreciative of the very good horror movies made in the past, all i can to you about your opinion about this movie is: screw you, buddy! Go back to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre idiotic braindead shallow ass remake! That would be a better movie for the likes of you.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


i feel that there are 2 types of horror film

"horror" and actual horror

horror contains mindless if slightly predictable situations made for u to jump and occasionally feel uneasy at. these usually contain fantasy elements. i love films like nightmare on elm street but it doesn't scare me at all.

then there is actual horror which is either believable and for that reason scary or totally fantasy but so well done that it can still get to you

i feel that some of the best horror films are slow and build to finding out the twisted truth all my little eye however i believe one of the best examples is misery or the ORIGINAL texas chainsaw massacre

this is a mix really its believable but does contain certain "horror" elemnts. however it is directed well and the slow build up and claustrophobia crete some good heart racing moments. especially with the rise in celebrity/reality shows you do wonder through the film how far people will go to find fame or money

i was 26 when i watched the film first and it didn't scare me that much however it left me with a weird feeling a bit afterwards which is the real sign of a good horor film


Who ever says build up horror is scary is one nutty person. I would fall asleep on every build up horror done that way. That is so stupid that people say those are better than the horror movie that actually has something going from the beginning to the end. Stick with your boring horror, and I will stick with the good ole beginning to the end good entertaining horror movies.

I bet you like mostly the lame PG-13 horror over the rated R and unrated ones too. People like this think they are true horror fans, and really they don't know the true horror of movies. Horror started with gore and that. It did not start as just tamed up PG-13 horror. Just because they are releasing more PG-13 now, does not make them better.

It bugs the crap out of me, people like you. Reality shows are dumb and need to be taken off the television.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


As a big fan of horror films I have to disagree with you. This film kept you guessing and had an uneasyness to it from the start. Unlike many slasher flicks this has a premise which is completely believeable - the storyline in this film could be happening somewhere for real.

There is a lot more to horror than blood and gore - but if that is what you are looking for I suggest you watch wrong turn - a truly crap film but will keep you entertained if you like a gory stupid horror


by - chillbill on Mon Apr 17 2006 11:21:15
"There is a lot more to horror than blood and gore"

Aint that the truth? Not that gunts and gore cannot maketh good horror, but there's other stuff from horror can be made of as well.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


oh c'mon
I agree that I love story in horror as much as the next guy (Silence of the Lambs is one of my favorite movies)
but isn't it fun to just watch mindless slaughter sometimes?

admit it
you like it haha


Since when is Silence of the Lambs horror?
It is a thriller


a film about a serial killer who makes a suit out of his victims skin? sounds like a horror film to me


A genre is not defined by the story, but by the way the story is told. I thought that was basic knowledge.

Silence of the Lambs IS a thriller.


So is a lot of PG-13 horror movies, that really should be in the thriller genre, not horror. There is way too many that get the two genres twisted. There is even Sci-Fi and Horror mixed. Sci-Fi is not horror.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in liking this film! There seem to be a lot of negative threads, but very few positive ones. Personally, I think the film is seriously underrated. It's genuinely unnerving, well directed and extremely relevant, given the Big Brother style reality TV phenomenon that seems to have exploded over the last few years.

This was MUCH better than your average slasher flick in my humble opinion. A disgrace to horror? I personally don't think so.. It was refreshing to see a good, jumpy horror with practically no gore, and a decent premise. I love a good bit of gore (tonnes of it, in the right context!), but it isn't the "be all and end all" of a horror film. Torture "porn" and gore films are flowing out of the woodwork, especially since Saw hit the market, so I think this is a welcome addition to the horror genre.

Different strokes, I guess..!


an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
"children screamed in horror"
synonyms: terror, fear, fright, alarm, panic; More

What does disgust mean?

a feeling of revulsion or profound disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.

How do you get disgusted watching a movie without gore? Oh, you can't. So gore is part of the horror. If it isn't, then it isn't really horror is it?

Sorry to say, but I rather see gore, than just someone making a movie and thinks that noises, and loud music makes a movie scary. I don't care if gore doesn't make the movie scary. Almost any horror movie made either for gore or not, is not scary to me. I haven't been scared watching horror movies of any kind for many years. If an adult is scared of any of the PG-13 horror or lower rated horror movies, then really is something wrong with that person, especially no matter what horror movie you watch is just dramatized and fake.

I watch for the entertainment, not the scares anyways. I am 43, and I can honestly say I can't remember a good scary movie that actually scared me. I know it isn't PG-13 horror, and not even The Conjuring. The Conjuring is a disgrace to all of horror movies. The Conjuring is in the, The Blair Witch Project category. That does not make it good either.

I lost interest in James Wan after SAW. SAW is not even the goriest in the series either.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


I went into this movie expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised. My heart was beating fast the entire movie. Very well executed. Loved all the claustrophobic hand held shots. Would definitely recommend. The scariest horrors are the ones that show you as little as possible - adds to the tension.


I was suprised also by this film... it's a pretty claustrophobic environment that they're all in, and it creates great atmosphere throughout the film.
I agree that blood and guts don't make a film, too much of it can make it hammy.. most of the great horror films have an equilibrium with the atmosphere/gore elements.


I liked this movie. Though it seems more like a Suspense to me. I spent most of the Movie wondering what would happen to the characters and worrying about what would happen to them rather then being scared for them.

The Java Man sez: Grey's Anatomy RPG at:


I was actually pleasently surprised by this movie. Not a disgrace at all. If you think the only good element to a scary movie is blood and guts, you must have an extremely underactive imagination and I feel a bit sorry for you. It was a nice break from all the mindless cookie cutter horror flicks that have come out recently.


I´m a BIG horror fan I kind of agree with you, it´s not the lack of gore thats the problem it´s the boredom adn the fact that the filmmakers don´t know how to pull a El Mariachi and make it look ten times more exspensive then it is.


Actually, YOU and your kind are a disgrace to all horror fans. Because of inbred troglodytes like yourself, so many people think horror fans are potential psychopaths who would probably watch real snuff films if they could get their hands on them. And that's frustrating to those of us who feel horror films hold a valuable place in our culture -- there are so many unique phobias and fears that people have, but ultimately we're all afraid of death. In some ways, good horror helps us deal with that fear.

To equate an abundance of red-dyed corn syrup with the real psychological terror someone like Hitchcock, Wes Craven, John Carpenter (in his prime) or Tobe Hooper can inflict on an audience is the very definition of ridiculous. Halloween remains a bed-wetter to this day with next to no gore -- ditto the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

That's not to say that gore CAN'T be horrifying. The murder at the beginning of Suspiria haunts me to this day. But you have to be a pretty gifted director to make something so artificial as fake blood frightening.


I don't know what 'jeff1on1' is trying to say, since this WAS a snuff film. I'm sick of the torture downer garbage they're churning out these days, because $hit like this DOES give horror-and its fans-a bad name. Too bad Carpenter burned out after Christine.


I would stop watching horror movies altogether if they stopped all of them from having any gore at all. I would be just disgusted by that. Not saying that gore is the best for them, but most people I have read what they say about gore, and they make it sound like it should never be allowed at all. Quite a few comments are like that in these bulletin boards and in the reviews. You got to have some or the movie is just pretty lame. I am sorry, but I am not the kind that likes to watch something not get to the point until after an hour of watching it, and leaves around the last 30 minutes or left to see if something really would happen and fail.

That is what build of horror movies are like, and no way em I going to agree that build up horror movies are good. I think I rather take a nap than watch a build up horror movie. I might have better nightmares.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


According to me this movie had a lot of potentialities and, how producer and director (I remember they are british) say on DVD, it was an experiment. They used digital cameras, a very low budget, unknow actors (but anyway good), infrared shots; in the original editing the movie lasted 4 hours, etc. The idea is good in a moment which reality shows were a novelty in (2000-2001). Of course there are a lot of imperfections: haven't the guys a family? are they so ingenuous?
It's a pity that the result isn't satisfactory, but anyway, if I would vote it, I sign a 6.


haven't the guys a family?
In Big Brother, you're not supposed to tell anybody that you're goin' in (and you arent allowed to enter the house if your name has been linked to the press).

So let's say that the producers of this fake show made the same rule: the contestants must not tell a soul where they are going, and must just mysteriously disappear.

Then the conspirators wait 6 months to be sure that all the families are genuinely in the dark.


I would like to say that this movie is at the top ten horror movie list. I love the interaction between character. You get to know them well. What this movie does is it helps us who are sick of reality shows and attacks it with a horror movie. It does well as a psychological thiller horror. Cinematography is great and low budget acting adds a lot. I give this movie an 8 out of 10.


Since when does the quality of a scary movie depend solely on how many people are killed? This is the kind of thinking that gets crap like Hostel made.

"Nothing's yours when you invite a teenager into your home."


It doesn't matter when the killing's happen. Look at I Know What You Did Last Summer. The main characters don't start getting killed off until around an hour in (Don't count Eric, if that's his name, not a main character.....)

I gaze upon this bag of bones, and name thee Martha Jones
