MovieChat Forums > Iris (2002) Discussion > why did she get fixed with her husband?

why did she get fixed with her husband?

what was it that made her think that he was her whole world?




They had a really odd marriage from what I can tell (or odd by most people's standards) because they acted a bit like children together - that was her definition of lasting and worthwhile love I think, if it was about sex it was shallow and obviously doomed to failure (useful lesson there maybe I dunno). Anyway, she had a lot of affairs but he was always the one she came back to and apparently he didn't mind that. A lot of their friends have suggested that she needed him more than anyone else because he acted as a kind of safety net for her. (I'm not making it sound brilliant, but in a weird way it's quite sweet)


Exactly what is wrong with desiring a handsome man?

Beauty is a great thing.

There is no such thing as being shallow.

It's human nature...if you think you can fall in love with someone who is ugly then you are living in a fairy tale world. Beauty and the Beast is not likely to happen any time soon, I assure you.

Sure personality counts, but so does good looks. Looks and personality go hand in hand. Love and lust go hand in hand.

Only the ugly would say otherwise because that's the only way they can feel better about themselves.


John Bayley says in his memoir (which is what they based the movie on) that when he first met her he didn't find her even remotely sexually attractive but he was still madly in love with her (might be difficult for a lot of people to understand because people now associate love and sex as being the same thing but they didn't think that way) It's got nothing to do with looks or image or sex-appeal they both talked about their relationship as something a bit more spiritual, people don't really form those kind of relationships now, at least I can't think of anyone who has.
