MovieChat Forums > Igby Goes Down (2002) Discussion > White People Problems: The Movie

White People Problems: The Movie

Rich Kids, Metropolitan, The Squid and the Whale, Tiny Furniture, Igby Goes Down... I've seen one too many of these movies about jerkhole, whiny, self-obsessed, affluent, New Yorkers.

And what the hell is with the older brother's accent?


If you can't see how this is a fascinating insight into the human condition, then that's too sad.

“It’s not what a movie is about, it’s how it is about it.” RIP Roger Ebert


Don't hate, just because someone is white and comes from money doesn't mean they are jerkholes, whiny, self=obsessed or their problems are irrelevant.


You're missing the OP's point. It's not that they are jerkholes, self-obsessed etc just because they're rich. According to OP's observation people like Igby are rich AND self-obsessed.


Hey - Metropolitan is a terrific movie. Don't lump it in with Tiny Furniture and Igby Goes Down.

Bing, bing, bing! Bong, bong, bong! Effervescent eaves!


Metropolitan is a seminal film that along with Trust, Slacker, and Clerks was a big influence on indies, but my favorite of these is Rich Kids.


Haha! I agree with most of what you said, Matt. I've only seen Tiny Furniture and Igby and your assessment is spot on--though, I have to admit that the movie was interesting, if not for nothing more than a little insight into how the other half live.

BTW, isn't that the same accent that's used in Cruel Intentions too?


Lol Ryan Phillipe always talks that way. I didnt even notice. But he didnt have an accent he just spoke proper.


I just want to put it out there that I'm a black girl. The first time I saw this movie was a movie of the week deal on fox. I cried when it came to the Father part. When he was in the shower talking about pressure I felt like that for a long time. I was 18 at the time.

I've watched the movie as I've gotten older and come to realize that its not white people's problems its people problems. Self actualisation and all that jazz.


I agree - the movie theme's are applicable to everyone. The characters in this case happen to be rich, which of course has an effect on how they behave and react to certain things, as it must, but does not make their problems inapplicable to the rest of us.

Many people who are not rich and "white" have problems and relationships similar to those of the characters in this movie.

My real name is Jeff


Mental illness and drug use and family problems have nothing to do with race or financial situation.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


These threads are always pretty stupid (and ironically usually written by self-loathing white people). All human beings suffer. "White people" on average have more material success and face less discrimination (in America), but that doesn't mean they don't ever get sad or lonely or have to deal with basic issues of mortality. Are we supposed to make all our movies about women and minorities because they might objectively suffer more? Animals suffer more than any human being does objectively speaking, so maybe we should make movies only about abused animals? Because I get tired of all these movies about petty human problems. . .

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


I get tired of movies about abused Culkins. Though "Saved" wasn't too bad.
