R Rating?

Why does this film have an R rating? This is one of the more tamer movies I have seen. Is the MPAA trying to tell us that "Hysteria: The Def Leppard Story" is as violent and has as bad of languange as 'The Terminator'?


Probably because there's some sexually explicit scenes (the groupies while on the US tour).



hold up, can you buy or rent this on DVD ? i have only seen it on VH1. i just assumed it was made for TV.


yes they released a DVD after the movie was on TV. Its not easily available, you can find it on amazon and sometimes ebay but thats about it.


My DVD says the R rating is "For Some Drug Use," presumably the cocaine scene at the beginning. This film has mild profanity and a bit of gore, but I'd say it's safely in PG-13 territory.
