MovieChat Forums > Garage Days (2002) Discussion > Trying to be Australia's Trainspotting

Trying to be Australia's Trainspotting

I can just imagine Mr Proyas' thought processes: "OK, so I'll go back to Australia and make an Australian version of Trainspotting. Cram it full of sex, drugs, rock n roll and ... wait for it ... set it entirely in Newtown ..."

Fantastic idea, but unfortunately the movie sucks arse. Probably because Mr Proyas cast the ugliest, least-talented actor in Australia in the lead ...


have you seen either of those movies?

that makes absolutely no sense


Dude - are you retarded? It's ok if you are, cos IMDB should be enjoyed by ~everyone~ no matter their mental capacity.

I just thought Proyas was trying to make a Trainspotting-type movie for Australian twenty-somethings. A film to define this generation of Australian kids (like Trainspotting did)- we've never had anything like that. Kick-arse Australian rock soundtrack, plenty of sex and drugs and a 'stylised' quality about it (like the 'Fun With Drugs' sequences). MY APOLOGIES if that offended you so much.

PS: It's amazing that the same guy who contributed the line "she was the first "butch" girl i ever thought was cute" would have a go at me - that's some real insight dude. Thanks for your contribution ...


so.. because both movies involve drugs you assume it's the aussie trainspotting?
garage days is set as a comedy.. slightly warped one lol but i think it's a good movie.
how does this film at all define a generation? I like this movie.. or i wouldn't of bought it.. but 'generation' defining films tend to get talked about a bit more than Garage Days does.
Until they watched it with me i'm the only one of my friends (or anyone i know for that matter) who'd even heard of garage days.
Meanwhile 90% of people out there have at least heard of trainspotting whether or not they watched it.

There is no government like NO government


hey "DUDE"

how is that film supposed to define that generation? it was just a small microcosm of Australian teens (twenty-somethings).
the soundtrack is not all that great.
and it still has no relation in style or script or acting to trainspotting.

not everyone who uses this site is a guy.


Hey, wasn't Trainspotting a small microcosm of Scottish twenty-somethings? And are you suggesting that my theory falls down cos "the soundtrack is not all that great". Dear me, you really didn't think that one through did ya?

I enjoyed your great argument that GD has no relation in style to trainspotting. Are you suggesting 2 films have to be similar in script and acting to be 'similar'? Did I say 'identical'? I think the style of Garage Days is very ~similar~ (read: not identical) to Trainspotting. Non-conventional film-making techniquues where used. As I mentioned before, the 'Fun With Drugs' side-stories was VERY Trainspotting. I don't know how to describe this properly, but both films have a sort of 'cartoonish' feel to them. Both had elements of humour. They both had Sex, money, youth, music ... aren't these similarities? If not, what on earth is similar? Do you even know what the word 'similar' means?

And what? Kick Gurry doesn't look or act like Ewan Mcgregor so the films are'nt 'similar'? Give me a break.

And, for the record, my use of the word 'dude' wasn't meant to define gender. So apologies.


This movie is extremely reminiscent to Trainspotting, but it's okay.


sorry about the soundtrack comment. it was an off comment about the movie. i didn't know that this was only for arguing about movies and no commentary was allowed. god, such an internet hater. something tells me the outside world doesn't see you that much.

and even though you didn't outwardly say they were identical, you implied it: "I'll go back to Australia and make an Australian version of Trainspotting." you, in that comment, are saying that it was supposed to be some kind of rip-off.

but if you're trying to change your argument...
your argument for them being similar is still vague. they may both have non-conventional film-making techniques but that's about it. the fun with drugs thing was nothing like trainspotting, sorry. and trainspotting was not cartoonish at all. trainspotting's humor was more of a dark humor where gd was very stupid humor. you can't use the last parts because most movies have some type of sex, money, music, whatever. and youth? the gd cast has a few too many wrinkles for youth

and none of them look or act like ewan! wth? where do you get that from?

gd is some cheap attempt to make an indie to blockbster movie. thank god it failed. if the characters were younger it would have at least made it as a cheesy over-sexed teen movie. trainspotting is an actual good movie.

and my use of dude does define gender, dude


Took ya 3 months to draft that little response eh?!

Looks like we disagree, but that's cool. At least we both are agreed that Garage Days was a piece of crapola.

Dude ...


yes it took me 3 months of me sitting in front of a computer and researching cinema to respond to you. i spent all of my time for that entire 3 months thinkin how can i get you back. and oh boy did i ever. and it took me even longer for me to come up with this even craftier response. yup, all this time spent thinkin of you. don't you feel special? dude?


I think TRAINSPOTTING was more of a 'microcosm' of Scottish junkies rather than twenty-somethings, but the comparison to GARAGE DAYS is fairly accurate. Both films dealt with a small sub-genre within a certain age group. GARAGE DAYS is noteworthy because it's NOT a cliched rock success story, but is really more about accepting your limitations and embracing the struggle. In the end, the band members don't fulfill their rock'n'roll fantasy but are OK with their lives.

"Free to those that can afford it, very expensive to those that can't."


I thought you might be a troll, mainly because of the "ugliest, least-talented actor" comment but way to stick in there and sell your main point. I don't see this as attempting to be Trainspotting but I do see some similarities.


I think the movie was drastically different from Trainspotting.

1. Drugs: Groove, Blow, Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting, and Kids all featured excessive drug use. I don't find these movies to be the same. Especially, with the drug use being portrayed and/or mentioned in almost every scene of the above movies and only truly focused on maybe three times in this movie.
2. Tone: This movie also did not share the same tone as Trainspotting. Trainspotting was rather raw and unsympathetic of its view of drug users and their world. Also, the consequences for everyone but Ewan in that movie are tragic. In the glossy, brightly lit world of Garage Days, everything turns out okay for the main characters.
3. Casting: While I love Kick Gurry, there is no comparing him to Ewan. The men have quite different resumes. The only thing these two men have in common is a tendency to look a little more hungry (re: skinny) than the rest of the people around them.
4. Theme: The theme of Trainspotting was living for the now and the now in Trainspotting was the acquisition of enough money to satisfy their next hit. Except for Francis Begby, they all suffered from the same illness: addiction. The problems and outcomes varied widely in Garage Days for the characters.

But that's just my two cents. Not saying the movie's exactly Citizen Kane but it is a great little feel good, escape for a minute movie. Trainspotting is for when you want to see someone who has hit lower than you have.

Ay, amor, eres mi luna, eres mi sol, eres mi pán de cada día.


Yeah .. Trainspotting invented those things yeah ... sure.


Completely wrong. There are references to Dogs in Space and Trainspotting. However Britain's too depressing and nihilistic to be an overall influence. It's an energetic ingenious Aussie film bathed in sunlight.


I have to agree. Maybe this idea was in his head for a while but if not for the stylish Trainspotting to mooch off of, Garage Days would not be Garage Days. IYou could also see this film a s a ver, very, very crappy Australian The Commitments.
Unfortunately Garage Days is missing a few things that TS (and the Commitments for that matter) had like, good actors, great dialogue, and excellent camera work that expresses the perspective, emotions and thoughts of the characters very well. A shame really because I thought Proyas' work on Dark City (which he wrote) and The Crow (which he did not write) was top notch. Maybe he needs to stick to darker themes. And by darker I actually mean dark, like Bladerunner, The Thing and Escape From New York, dark. Dark makes the medium look cooler, by default I think.
I will say that I got a good laugh at the AC/DC cover band. That was almost enough to even see the film.
And yes, IMDb is 95% arguing, and 5% rational discussion of film. Hopefully, I can remain part of the latter statistic.

"In our wings that bark, flashing teeth of brass, standing tall in the dark" - David Bowie


great editing
fresh script
loved the music on it
tight acting and script

what´s your problem?


Strangely enough I thought it was trying to be a lot like trainspotting when I seen it first to. And the only reason I did see it was because the local second hand dvd store had a load of copies of this movie I dont know why cause I'm far far away from Australia, so I thought it might be good for that reason and was sort of disapointed.

I am the son of a man named Tom.
