The problem I have with the ending...

So the basic plot of this movie is how this rag-tag bunch of social rejects came together and created a very inexpensive PC. They all did their own little part to make it a very unique piece of equipment; the girl designed the body, the crazy guy came up with the glove idea, the fat guy wrote the code, etc...

However, near the very end, the main guy has this revelation that the whole thing is wrong and the thing they spent the whole movie building needs to be completely redone. Then, in the very next scene he has created this totally different little computer that kind of looks like the handle of a lightsaber.

When he scraped all the parts the other guys did, except for the fat guy's code (I guess), it really made the entire first 90% of the movie pointless and everything the other characters did redundant.


I see what you mean. It does feel a little...tacked on at the end. As if the writers needed a quick plot twist to insert in because clearly the characters couldn't expect to ride on the one thing they've been working on for the whole movie until the very end. But hey, one of the compromises of making movies. Gotta cut corners in some spots. No one expected this to be a multi-million maker.


actually the tube.. and the "laser" interface was clearly inspired by Daryl's "anger stick". His laser guided wireless guitar that was seen earlier in the film. Although the point about the body no longer being Rosario's design is true.. but the gloves idea morphed into something else, as did all of the elements and all of those characters were still integral to the project.

It's just we didn't see that new evolution in the new project.


True, the development of the new version is pretty much glossed over in a montage.
