Who plays the voice of Johnny. The man giving the mission of photographing Mrs. Watts (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) to Nicolas (Antonio Banderas). I didn't see any credits at the end. On IMDb it says that John Stamos is the only one uncredited, as a cheesy agent. The voice sounded like someones favourite actor (see signature), but he would definitely be credited, unless he really didn't want to.

-You are without doubt the worst pirate that I've ever heard of.
-Ahh, but you have heard of me.



I'm pretty sure that it was John Stamos, Rebecca's husband.

If you were a die hard Full House fan, back in tha day, you would recognize it. :)



Purple in the morning,blue in the afternoon, and orange in the evening. Just like that, 1, 2, 3, 4!


Right after the movie hit theaters Rebeca went on Conan and told him that she got her husband that role. It is John.
