Based on who?

Well the first Underbelly series is tightly based on the Melbourne Drug Wars of the late 1990's and early 21st, Underbelly two: The Tale Of Two Cities is based tightly around the heroin trade of Aussie Bob and Kiwi Terry in the 70's and 80's, Blue Murder is tightly based on Neddy Smith and Roger Rogerson in 70's to 80's, so is this movie loosley based on Lenny Mcpherson or Abe Saffron?


Most likely that "prominent Sydney businessman & racing identity" Abe Saffron rather than Lenny McPherson imho.

cheers & beers!

et tu Brute!

Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


Barry is Lenny McPherson, Norm is Stan Smith, Tony Testano is Joe Testa.
In George Freeman's autobiography, he talks of Joe Testa's visit to Australia and how McPherson took him out west, 'kangaroo shooting'.


Barry is Lenny McPherson, Norm is Stan Smith, Tony Testano is Joe Testa.
In George Freeman's autobiography, he talks of Joe Testa's visit to Australia and how McPherson took him out west, 'kangaroo shooting'.
Ray Murphy is Ray Kelly, notorious, bent Sydney cop..
