MovieChat Forums > Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002) Discussion > Release an Amped Up Edition of this Buff...

Release an Amped Up Edition of this Buffy game!!!

I think that this Buffy game's fight system was incredible, and the games that followed could scarcely match the incredible fight timing of this game. Having played it several times, I can now run through the game with great ease.

It would be great if the original "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" game was released with an amped-up mode with more vampires and monsters on each level, or even (dare to dream) new levels, arenas and missions.

When I say that the Buffy games that followed cannot compare, I truly mean that they were a downgrade from the quality of this game. Perhaps the background graphics of the newer games were improved, but the basic fighting logistics took a major downgrade in terms of maneuvers, response time and artificial intelligence. "Chaos Bleeds" was a waste of time, hardly entertaining, and the fight move timing was pathetic and completely interfered with enjoyment of the game.

The first Buffy the Vampire Slayer game was the best and releasing a Gold Edition with more levels and opening the arenas to online fighting would rule. Having to type in a secret code every time you want to fight in the arena is kind of lame. That needs to stay open once you've opened it.

But I still give this game its due props.
