
This movie was so bad, had I not known better, I would have thought it was made as a joke. The most insulting thing is that some of the guys commit actual <i>murders</i> in such a brazen fashion that the crimes would easily be traced back to them, but the end just glosses over all that. And the big battle between good and evil at the end was just goofy-looking and unconvincing. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.



Have you seen any other David DeCoteau movies? It wasn't made as a joke ad you suggested in your post, but...very near it. Most of David DeCoteau's movies are like this. Highly homoerotic, not the best script, fairly bad acting and plot holes you could drive a Mack Truck through.

To enjoy them at all, you have to go into it KNOWING it will be what typically gets classified as a "bad movie." You know it's not going to be the best, so you can sit there enjoying it, partly because you laugh at how asinine the whole thing is.

It's like a guilty pleasure.

And the guys are hot...


i could not disagree more. luc is a badass who was GREAT at mind control. Harlan getting killed was a highlight

the oc\ ben\adam fan
