Oakes and Swanson

Were Oakes and Swanson dating in this movie??

No particular reason why i want to know, just wondering.

Thanks for any help


my take on the issue:

I don't think so. Not really. I mean when Chris Rock character first mentions this possibility, yeah they blush and all that because maybe they think it's so out of the question they don't really know how to react. Then in the end Oakes probably takes Swanson with him because they want to play a little trick on Jake.
...and then there's the thing that both actors were together in this not very well known film called Silence of the Lambs...

oh, and another thing, yeah, they might have been an item. That's what I liked about this film, it was pure mindless fun without having to to think "Yuck he's so old he could be her grandfather" thing..

and IMHO Anthony Hopkins has been in films that have been far worse - at least this one didn't pretend to be anymore than it was!!


Maybe they were
Anyway both actors were together in Silence of the Lambs
I kept thinking Swanson seemed familiar...

