MovieChat Forums > The Big O (2001) Discussion > Metropolis 1927 and The Big O

Metropolis 1927 and The Big O

Am I the only one that sees the connection? I mean the last 30 seconds of the end of entire series shows a copy of the book on the TV control center on the table next to what seems to be Angel.

Looking back this makes perfect sense but instead of relying on talking only about the android (R Dorthy) it follows the story of Roger Smith (Negotiator) in Metropolis he is called Freder who at the end fulfills his role as "Mediator".

I think this makes more of an idea why Anime Fans are slightly confused by this Show and why the Japanese didn't like it and Org. axed the show till CN funded the completion of the story due to the American Fan base.

This is a true Film Noir with Scifi overtones of Metropolis. Which I love, It brings in levels of intelligent intertwining that only is just (2008) starting to come into the Anime mainstream with shows like Ghost in the Shell or Death Note.

I would inject some critical theory but sadly I'm very tired and really just interested in how the fanboys think about my thoughts.

What do you guys think?
