School MTI Version

Has anyone done this? Cause my school is doing it in February next year and i wanna know what its like, like the songlist including all the reprises and even the script if possible? i can't seem to find the MTI script anywhere. And possibly who sings in each song like in Facade who actually sings the solos? is it like Bishop of Basingstoke and stuff?


Chris141, are you an Upper Arlington student? I see The Golden Bears are doing Jekyll & Hyde in February (21st - 24th) and will be coming from Reynoldsburg with my daughter to see the show. Hope UA has the voices to do this show justice!

There's a beast at the door and he's wild and free...


na im no an Upper Arlington student sorry, i live in New Zealand and we are doing the show for our high school i'm only 16 years old. But i also hope for you that UA have the voices to do it justice. I hope my school does too.



Thank you for your reply! Upper Arlington is a suburb of Columbus, Ohio USA. Hope you'll post progress reports and a review when it's over. I want to hear how it went. I'll post a review of the UA production in February. Bob K.

There's a beast at the door and he's wild and free...
