Lulu, Baylor, and Shep Jr.

Where were Lulu, Baylor, and Shep Jr as adults? Did the film ever mention what happened to them?


The DVD contains deleted scenes that feature a grown Shep Jr., but no other siblings.


One of the big things I hated about this movie is the fact that it totally ignores the other siblings, all of whom were just as abused by Vivi, perhaps moreso given Vivi seems to see something of herself in Sidda and a hope to live her dreams through her. We certainly don't see any of the loving scenes between Vivi and the other kids like we do with Sidda, indeed she talks quite hateful to them at times but not as sharp to Sidda.


My husband asked the same thing while watching the movie tonight. I told him it was probably a case of once they left home....they really left home. But, then again, this is Sidda's why complicate the story with more sibling hurt? And, yes they were also abused, but probably also had loving moments with the Mother too, which we didn't see because, again, this was Sidda's story.


You hit the nail right there.


Yeah, but you still would want to know how they were. Otherwise, why have them as kids in the first place?


No, which is funny. In Roger Ebert's review he mentions that they aren't brought up and that Vivi's secret is maybe she drowned them.


Yeah right, they were very much alive.
