Movie Spoofs

Im trying to make a list of notable film spoofs this game has. These are the ones I clearly noticed:

1. A Clockwork Orange - The opening montage/Conker king of all the land
2. The Matrix - The bank stage
3. Aliens - the robot suit stage
4. Saving Private Ryan - the War stage
5. The Untouchables - the baseball bat beating video
6. Dracula - the dracula looking stage
7. Jurassic Park - the prehistoric stage

I forget wot the stages r calld becaus i havnt playd the game in ages.

Can ne one else add to the list.


this is basically the exact same topic that I posted 7 hours before you :'-(. Why couldn't you have just posted there?


Don't forget the reference to the Exorcist in the War level, where the Little Girl's head spins around and gets all evil.

You are Dead.


heres some more:
1-indiana jones- the cavemen running from the falling rock in the uga buga stage.
2-the exorcist- the little girl spinning her head.


Resiouver dogs with the mr red mr blue in muliplayer heist
terminator with the barn hay thing


Indiana JOnes and the LAst Crusade "Teddiz, I hate these guys"


I think the castle scene with the vampire has a tiny reference to 007: The World Is Not Enough.

