I like these flicks.........

.I really like most the sequels in the COTC series. My favorite it part 4 and I really like Revelation as well. Im a huge fan of Naomi Watts and may be biased, but it also has a more cohesive story line. I think it's great to look for the stars in these films before they were famous...Linda Hamilton in Part 1, Charlize Theron is part 3, Watts in part 4, and Eva Mendes in part 5. However cliched Revelation may be, it's a very studio looking movie with decent acting, easy to follow storylines, okay effects, but it's the none cheap looking camera stock that pushes it above your standard dtv movie. It's like when Paramount and Full Moon used to work together and gave us slightly better than average genre fare. Dimension in the late 90s and early 00s was my Full Moon for a new decade with the Dracula, Prophecy, Children of the corn, and Hellraiser sequels. All these shot with digital low budget movies of today look like spanish soap operas with bad actors and crummy cgi. Where's my next decade of quality dtv flicks?

"Carol Anne, go into the light"!

"Carol Anne, go into the light"!


I like all of them as well. Other than maybe Genesis, I don't think there are any truly bad Children of the Corn movies. Some I enjoy more than others of course, but none are so bad they're unwatchable. Part III is my personal favorite of all the sequels, but I'm kind of surprised by the amount of hatred this one gets. It is a lot better than most other direct-to-DVD horror movies.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


part 3 and this one are my favorites

