What If They...

Replaced Baragon, Mothra, and King Ghidorah with Rodan, Anguirus, and King Caesar from GFW ?


Well...that would've definitely be more diplomatic. A lot of conservative fans were upset by King Ghidorah and Mothra's roles in GMK, though I admire Kaneko for not changing his script to suit Toho's money-making strategies.
However, while I think Anguirus and Rodan would've worked well, I'm not so sure about King Caesar; he was never a really interesting kaiju, to me at least.
Another thing is, I actually think including Mothra and King Ghidorah made the battles more interesting, because of their powers and abilities. This is just me, but I think the film would've been far more dull had Kaneko used Anguirus and Varan. (Or Anguirus, King Caesar and Rodan) It might have been 'just another wrestling match' instead of the highly exciting conflict that it thankfully turned out to be.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"


I liked Baragon, but I think it would have been better to have Anguirus. Having Ghidorah, Mothra, and Anguirus would have seemed more like classic Godzilla enemies

"Why would they want the Duke's...son killed?"


Well how would Orga and Megaguirus work out instead of Mothra and King Ghidorah ?


Personally, I'm not a big fan of either Orga or Megaguirus, so that definitely wouldn't work for me, but's that just ME personally.
If you want justification for my dislike, I thought they were pretty uninspired, Orga more so than Megaguirus; at least the latter had personality.

"I don't believe in realism." - Me, literature class, 11/7/06


Yeah orga looked like the Kaiju inspired elephant man.



As for kaiju substitutions, there would definitely be some changes. As for Anguirus, Rodan, and King Caesar. I would use the Anguirus design from GFW and I would have him to b able to launch his spikes from his back as sort of a projectile weapon. I would have Rodan be able to transform into a literal Fire Rodan. Like be set on fire and fly with his supersonic flight and blow up everything in its path. As for King Caesar, I would want him to have better suitmation. Let's face it. His suitmation was awful like he was moving in stop motion. A new power would be using his eyes to create force fields to deflect energy beams and attacks. Yeah I know their not good powers but I tried.



Baragon basically WAS there to get destroyed, in order to show Godzilla's power and brutality.

"A year where the Best Picture and Best Visual Effects Oscars go to the same movie is a good year!"


Considering the old 60's era Baragon could spew fire from his mouth, I thought it was a bit odd to leave that out from the GMK Baragon. Honestly, the 1st time I saw this movie, Baragon made me think of an over-eager dog during his romp in that forest. Once Godzilla appeared, I was all "shoot...Baragon has no chance for a decent fight when all he could do is DIG". It's would've been cool and surprising to have seen Baragon shoot out its own heat/fire ray at Godzilla


For King Caesar, I could see (since he's a type of lion thing) him with the Baragon "Roar"



I love this movie. Good suggestion, but you wanna know what would've been even better? If the kung-fu fighting humans in GFW were replaced by even more monsters. Maybe a dragon from Japanese folklore? Or 2?

"El pollo loco to you too."





Or better yet... Anguirus, Mothra and TITANOSAURUS?

Yippee-ki-yay, pastel-colored resistance!
