Funniest Quotes

My friends and I pretty much died while watching this from laughing so hard

"What the hell is going on, It's like a monster convention out there!!"

"That lizard picked on the wrong guy, here!"

I like how the extras running through the streets feel the need to stop every fefw seconds to look back and shout, "It's Godzilla!!" as though everyone else running around was unaware of this.

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


The convention one, for sure, and also the line about the monsters always picking on Japan.


It looks like you've only seen the English dubbed versions. Those stupid lines aren't in the original Japanese ones.


Too Bad. Their loss.


I enjoy the bit where the kid asks, "Are monsters real?" I couldn't help but think, "No, those things causing all this desruction are just figments of your imagination."

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."


"Godzilla's kicking the red monster in the gravel pits!"

If you know the scene, and where Godzilla IS kicking the "red monster", it's hilarious innuendo!
