MovieChat Forums > FLCL (2003) Discussion > Your Opinon on What the Show Means.

Your Opinon on What the Show Means.

I take this from the show...


I think its about Nauto sort of growing up, i think the character of Nauto is a good bit older then 12 as the series shows you, i think hes more like 17 18 or 19.

You have nauto whos your main character noting much there.

Then you have Mamimi who I think represents the status quo, and sort of child hood. Shes safe, and sweet, Nautos brother left her and went on to get his own life when he grew up, and Nauto is becoming jaded with her as hes growing up.

Then you have Haruko . Shes wild, crazy, and purely instinctual. I think she going on pure emotion, flying by the seat of your pants and doing what you feel like damn every thing else.

Then you have Eyebrows. I think he's responsibility. He wants nauto to do the safe thing, he can't stand Wild Haruko cause there opposites. He says things like "She only wants to hurt you, you have family, and friends to worry about." meaning "Dont do this stuff it may hurt other people."

Lastly we have Kanti/Atomosk. I think kanti is a belief in your self and Atomosk is the ability to do what you need. When ever nauto is feeling helpless Kanti is gone and some thing comes out of his head, then kanti comes back they combine and make atamosk and deal with that problem.

The Episodes deal with inner conflict one goes through, and the robots are the representation of that.

In the end Mamimi disappears, because Nauto is an adult. Haruko disappears because he goes back to school and isn't a wild instinctual being. Eyebrows does too because hes not a totally responsible person. Hes his own individual who understands he has alot of growing to do. In the end he also states "Notting amazing ever happens." which I think means it wasn't any thing special that happened, it meant alot to him but every one goes through it. Also i think its thinged with a bit of apathy.



Crow Hollow, you couldn't be more wrong.

as for the_popetress,
I don't really agree with your opinions about naota.

I have heard a lot of theories about what everything in the show represents, such as:
Haruko being a metophore for Peuberty, causing sudden changes in naota's life.
The "Horns" being.....well things that young men have to deal with; and that's why they only appear at times of emotional excitement.......the list goes on.

I dunno' What I think the show means, Maybe that even though at times it seems boreing and slow, Life moves fast and in those small moments, a lot can change and you will have to decide if you are going to roll with it or not.

But like I said, I dunno what I think it means, but I think that it is significantly deeper than just "Random and Crazy."

"I love humanity, it's people I can't stand." - Linus Van Pelt


I disagree with your take on Mamimi. She's a homeless highschool drop-out. Whats safe about that? Everything else isn't too farfetched.


I agree qith the OP, Mamimi is entirely save.
Even after she was left by Nauto's brother she stayed around being, especially for Nauto, in the same position: she didn't change. She kept hanging out with Nauto, everyday the routine under the bridge. She didn't have a degree as well, so even if she wanted it would be a huge risk to go out and achieve as she tried at the end. If Haruko never came, everything would've still be the same. The changes that are made within the trusted situation by Nauto even force Mamimi to make decisions she wouldn't (normally want to) make. So yeah my thoughts are exactly the same as the ones the OP communicated.


I think it's a show about growing up. Either that or it's just a bunch of trippin' Japanese people that happened to draw the anime by accident. Either way, I love it.


The show has many layers of meanings, mostly about as said growing up, but many dont notice that is about artistic growth. the horns are erections of imagination, the very first scene resumes the entire show, He who conkers the left side conkers the world, beeing left the left side of the brain the creativity side, thats where those erections comes from, look at the sushi eyebrows guy erection, funny scene.
The main subject is art itself a statement about beeing able to let your imagination go, do whatever you want and experiment new things, the medical factory is the anime industry always smoothing the lines to get a even consistent style, where your hero behaves as such and your enemy is evil, the lines are smooth and the technique goes consistent till the end.


I think the original poster hit the nail on the head, personally. I watched this show when it came out in Adult Swim, and I was younger then, but now that I watch it again I see the correlations between the figurative moments in the show and my own experiences with growing up.


uh... doesn't mamimi set things on fire and like, lick and kiss Nauto's ear? That's safe?


The OP is wrong.

The main theme is growing up. responsibility/love/sex.

Haruko is sex/ spontaneity/ inpulse. She represents chaos and change in the life of Nauto which he always (wants to?) see as boring.

Mamimi represents a mature-love kind of emotion and is attracted to Nauto for his kid/like self. After Nauto had an experience with Haruo his confidence made him cocky when asking Mamimi to the resteraunt and their situation lost some appeal.

Kanti/Atomosk and the robot battles seems to represent the battle that's going on within Nauto and his accepting of his own self.

Whenever something grows out of Nauto or the other girl's head this shows thier inner battle taking a physical form and from this the character grows. These are the only two who arent 'absolute' characters.

I havent given much thought to the who end iron/world dominating thing going on. My mind was too busy taking everything else in before it.


Nope, you're ALL WRONG.

I'll post my analysis soon.


I'm less interested in the themes of maturity and growing up (which are certainly there) and more interested in the nuts and bolts of exactly what the plot is all about, who Haruko is, what Atmosk is, why stuff comes out of Naota's head, what the deal is with Medical Mechanica, Amarao, etc.


Haruko (real name Raharu) is a corrupt officer in the Galaxy Space Police Brotherhood, who was assigned to transport a prisoner, Atmosk, to a containment facility. Unbeknownst to her superiors, Haruko has become obsessed with possessing Atmosk's massive N.O. power. During transport, Haruko was intercepted by agents of Medical Mechanica, who abducted Atmosk from her custody. Medical Mechanica seeks to harness Atmosk's N.O. to power their massive world-flattening steam irons. Ever since Atmosk's capture, Haruko has been attempting to track him down using half of a handcuff still attached to her wrist. The link reacts to the other half of the cuffs, which are still attached to Atmosk. The Space Police think Haruko is searching for Atomsk as part of her official duties, but really she only seeks to find him in order to harness his power for herself.

Haruko has been looking for Atmosk for a long time. Part of her plan is to find people gifted with N.O. power and use them to aid her, as Haruko as no natural N.O. ability herself (she sometimes uses a pull-cord-operated device in her guitar to artificially generate N.O. effects). During her search she initially encountered Amarao as a boy. Her relationship with Amarao was similar to that of Naota, and Amarao fell in love with her. She eventually abandoned Amarao when she decided his N.O. power was too weak to be of much help. Amarao misinterpreted Haruko's feelings and mistakenly believed Haruko left him because she was in love with Atomsk, whom Amarao imagined as being a humanoid. Haruko left, Amarao grew up and became a government agent. He wore special "eyebrows" which were designed to prevent an N.O. channel being opened in his head. In other words, designed to protect him from being used by Haruko.

Years later, Haruko's search brings her back to Earth, where she recruits Naota. Naota's N.O. is much more powerful that Amarao's. Haruko's plan is actually fairly simple: Atmosk travels via N.O. channels. Haruko plans to repeatedly open N.O. channels until Atmosk eventually escapes from Medical Mechanica through one of them, at which time Haruko would recapture him and somehow gain his power for herself. She nearly succeeds the very first time she tries this with Naota: Part of Atmosk escapes from Medical Mechanica inside the medical robot Kanti, and part becomes lodged within Naota. Haruko does not immediately realise this, and disables Kanti by wacking him on the back of the head. As the series progresses, Atmosk is able to manifest whenever Noata fuses with Kanti and Kanti turns red. Haruko, however, still doesn't realize red Kanti is Atmosk until Amarao reveals this to her during a fight. Afterwards, she absconds with red Kanti... only to eventually return once she realizes that only part of Atmosk resides in Kanti, and that she needs the part within Noata to make Atmosk whole and recapture him. During this process, Medical Mechanica is also moving forward on its plans to use Atmosk's N.O. power to flatten Earth.

Haruko finally succeeds in truly freeing Atmosk from Medical Mechanica, but finds she has lost control of Noata, who becomes infused with the power of Atmosk. She fights him, but is easily overpowered. Noata/Atmosk could destroy Haruko, but hesitates because he/they are in love with her. N.O. channels are triggered by strong feelings, and when Noata kisses Haruko, this finally causes feelings strong enough to open a big enough N.O. channel for all of Atmosk to fit through in his true form: That of a gigantic red dragon/bird. Haruko finds herself powerless to capture Atomsk in this form, and Atmosk escapes both Medical Mechanica and Haruko. In the end, Haruko gives chase, renewing her pursuit.


Thaaank you! I really appreciate that post.


This is a great literal interpretation, however I believe OP interpretation is also valid for the figurative, inner meanings of the story.


The Episodes deal with inner conflict one goes through, and the robots are the representation of that.

Not sure I agree with your specifics but I think you nailed this. The show is a representation of what the boy is going through as he becomes a man.

