A Disgrace !!

A feckin disgrace.

I wasnt expecting anything like this. For the first 30+ minutes i was glued to the excellant scenary and vision i had before me. But from there on, i started to think "eh is this actually going to show me something that i know not of?! "

And so right i was, only a few times in my life have i skipped through a brand new dvd to see what the ending holds, and god damn i feel so sorry for the chaps that watched the whole 2 hours of that.

What a dissapointment. This film is obviously aim towards the middle / upper class socialites!

My father has been through similarties, but there was NO riches involved from anyone !! Instead my family had to live on scraps for a long long time, and that was after he had to deal with the mind-body crippling embarrassment! There was no amazing job out of the end of it or anything!!!!

I feel hatred towards this film and i will demand a total refund ! And to all the bast snobs who called this film amazing and masterfull, open your DAMN EYES TO THE PATHETIC WORLD YOU LIVE IN!!!!!!!!



I thought it was a good movie about how people come to be overly dependant on the identity they have with their job, despite the fact that it is about bourgeois people. It is, after all, only a film, and I think a lot of us, bourgeois or not, realize all too well how this world is pathetic on a daily basis. That is called, if you wish to hear it from this bourgeois, the human condition.


What ridculous post. You demand a refund because it was aimed at the middle/upper class? What about flicks like Breakfast at Tiffany's? Or any Cary Grant flick? Those are ALL about the lives of the upper class. So what?!

Sounds like a wee bit of class envy


Would Countess Roza-Marie Leopoldnya Lubienska sit down for 2 hours and watch Brassed Off ?. NO I certainly think not!.

> Sounds like a wee bit of class envy

Brassed off, was filmed in my villiage. Go read http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115744/board/nest/16911504 before you try judge me you idiot!



Hatred towards the film?

Man, I can think of so many better outlets for your hatred than posting here. Hatred towards a film? Isn't that like saying you have hatred towards a shirt? Or a book of matches?

Is the film THAT offensive?

"With our wings that bark, flashing teeth of brass, standing tall in the dark" - David Bowie


Hatred towards the film?

Man, I can think of so many better outlets for your hatred than posting here. Hatred towards a film? Isn't that like saying you have hatred towards a shirt? Or a book of matches?

Is the film THAT offensive?

Yes it's THAT offensive. It was'nt a case of me feeling annoyed with the world one day and deciding no randomly spam on a films' message board.
I purposely spent the little cash I have on this film due to views from a bunch of upperclass snobs. Why should'nt I be fuming? Film is my passion.

And yes I feel hatred towards some t-shirts. Some of them display the most offensive/sexist/racist/blasphemous words.


You are hilarious. My God! You are like a character in a good satire, come to life to post here and show us all how to laugh again!





Why can't we all just get along?


If only, but some people like to make life difficult. The majority of them can be found on these boards.

I am now a ghost to these forums due to it.


Please remain a ghost to these boards, for the sake of your own mental health, lest someone remark that God is dead or women aren't good at math...



This is a great film, but Angtoria has actually touched upon an important facet not discussed in any other post.

While other posters have seen the film as the story of an "outsider" or "square peg in a round hole", I see it as a commentary on capitalism and globalism and Vincent as a representative victim.

Looking at the behavior of the private businessmen, the NGO do-gooders, and the crooks, there seems to be little difference in their morality and methods. Unless we are self-sustaining peasants detached from the media, politics and fashion, we are enmeshed in a web of hypocrisy, selfishness and inhumanity. The gobbledygook corporate-speak throughout, and particularly during the end titles, underlines this.

The most humane person is actually the crook, brilliantly played by Serge Livrozet. When he realizes that Vincent is making off (having robbed him of further cash? This I am not clear about), he lets him go. His experience (perhaps based on the actor's own real-life story) has taught him to avoid confrontation and violence. He actually seems to have some sympathy, perhaps even admiration, for Vincent's moral choice.

(No doubt in the American remake there will be a car chase and shoot-out at this juncture).


What a disappointment. This film is obviously aim towards the middle / upper class socialites!

My father has been through similarities, but there was NO riches involved from anyone ! Instead my family had to live on scraps for a long long time, and that was after he had to deal with the mind-body crippling embarrassment! There was no amazing job out of the end of it or anything!!

You may prefer another French film from a year earlier: The Town Is Quiet (2000). A saga of the disadvantaged.
