worst movie ever

I hate it, hate it, hate, hate it, hate it, kids dont act that way, what a patheticly putrid attempt a portyael of american schoollefe from some retard thats not even an American


I hate the word retard, it's ugly. There are people out there who are actually mentally disabled, and using the word so casually is an insult to them. I must admit the film itself isn't that brilliant though.


so you are gonna clump all mental disorders together and call the mentally disabled, retardation is a specific mental disorder and Uwe Boll is obviously retarded, which makes him what you call a retard


retardation is a specific mental disorder and Uwe Boll is obviously retarded

Well, he speaks three languages (German, English and French) and has a doctorate in literature, so for a supposed retard he isn't doing too badly. Not to mention that he's one of the few filmmakers who has complete control over everything he does. He's able to finance his pictures through independent investments, has worked with several A-list stars and despite producing a handful of obviously mediocre films (House of the Dead being the absolute nadir) is still able to work in the profession that he loves.

You're entitled to hate his work, but you can't use that as an excuse to make accusations about his intelligence, which obviously aren't true.


Aren't you overreacting a little?

This topic is very common and I have seen harder and more cruel movies.
Also, you claim that kids don't act that way?
Than I can say you don't have a clue about what kids are capable of.

No, the movie is not that bad. It's not very good but certainly not the worst.


oh yeah? watch Elephant its much more realistic


Let's just say I've heard the word "retard" used too many times by arrogant people, usually teenagers. Sorry to be ageist, but it's a fact. It must rate with the word "queer" - another word that's been corrupted from its original meaning - as one of the ugliest insults ever.


I have seen Elephant too.
It's very realistic indeed, good directing and camerawork.
But I also found it very slow and boring.


at least in Elephant they dont try(and fail) to get you to sympathize with the shooters


I didn't feel sorry for Daniel, because there were other ways he could have tackled his problem. It was obvious from the start that he was suicidal so why didn't he just kill himself and be done with it? And I'm a huge fan of Kett Turton - I just don't empathise with all the characters he plays. Dara, I had more sympathy for. As someone who indulges in a bit of scribbling herself, I know how it hurts to have your work trashed. Although killing the teacher wasn't the answer. Hidden laxatives in his coffee maybe? When you're dead you're out of it all but embarrassment in public stays with you forever! Don't get mad, get even!


of course you didint feel sorry for him, because Uwe Boll fails in his attempt for you to feel sorry for him


Although Barry was even worse - weak and insipid. I really despised Barry. He could have alerted the cops "My nutty friend's going to do something terrible", but he just wussed out of a decision either way. Hey, let's rewrite it! As long as the same people play the parts I don't mind. Oh let's be honest here. As long as Kett Turton's in it, I don't mind. Shallow? Me? Hah!



"i have no room in my life for gays,"
**** Than why do you follow me and keep bringing this up?

"and that includes my time spent online "
**** Which sums up all of your hobbies except for one.
