3rd Season?

Does anyone know if they are going to make/complete a 3rd season? I've read on the website and heard that they were going to make a 3rd season, but they announced that like a few years ago, and I haven't heard anything else about it...


omg saddle club..

i watched it while young

saw an ep the other day

omg LAME

no affence

"theres a fire in pine hollow"


"oh red"



There has been talk of a 3rd season, but so far nothing has come of it. So safe to say, they probably won't be making one.


News just at hand - they are filming a third season of The Saddle Club. Read an article in The Age's Green Guide that they've had trouble filming because of the drought.


Will all the characters return?


there is a lot of rumors that is on web but if there is there will a new cast but there is been to much that went by


There will be a third season. I attended BreyerFest and Bonnie Bryant was there. She said that the new season will begin filming in November. There will be a new cast.


I think it'll be better with a new cast. The others were just getting too old and besides, it's always fun to see something new! I can't wait!

Suzette:What about the sex of the baby? Cisco:Well, I prefer hetero, but I'll take it either way.


New news on the offical site here: http://www.saddleclubtv.com/news.asp

Dumbledore trusts Severus Snape and so do I.


Thank you very much for the news.
