
I bought the series on DVD including the movie, but it has no english subtitltes. Anyone know where I can find transcripts of the show on movie in english, so I can read along while I watch it? Appreciate the help.


It's too bad they didn't bother to give even French subtitles on the discs. A UK study on subtitle users in the last few years found that 65% of subtitle users are not deaf, but have other reasons for wanting titles. Given that Galaxie received funding from Telefilm Canada, it's hard to imagine that the few dollars required (and it's not expensive) to hire someone to do subtitles or even translation to other language titles would not have been given to them.

On a positive note, you can still purchase from the complete script (en francais) of the first film (not TV series). Since the movie doesn't offer subtitles either, that's the best you can get.

Questions? Action!
