
There are two aspect of the film that got me womdering
1. Is cloning humans possible?
2. Is it possible that cloning Christ will result the Anitchrist or does that depend on the situation or whoever is involved with the cloning?


1) Not yet. Some mammals can be cloned. Cats have been cloned, but for whatever reason, the new cat is not identical to the original - physically or in temperment. Dogs are not yet successfully cloned, although researchers are working on it. It takes a lot of experimentation to perfect the science behind cloning a specific mammal. Most countries (particularly the ones that have the facilities) have bans against whole human cloning. Turning stem cells into specfiic organs needed for transplant.... depends on the country.

2) Good question. I'm going to try to answer your question without any of my personal beliefs, but excuse me if I'm a bit off.

Various bible translations differ, and the meaning of the passages change based on the words chosen. Most have the idea that the Antichrist will be born through human means (science), but not have a human father (cloning, DNA mixing human and animal, surrogacy, etc.). However, some believe that his birth will also be a virgin birth (possibly aided by supernatural means).

The return of Christ is also hotly debated. Many believe his return will be through a virgin rebirth. But other Christian sects believe that Jesus will return full grown, that he is just visiting heaven since his resurrection. He will then return as the general of heaven's army and defeat the Antichrist leading the world into the millenium of peace.

So cloning Christ's DNA would most likely not lead the return of Christ, as this is the "human means & without a father". However, placing him in the womb of a virgin could be the virgin rebirth.

Hope that helps!
