Sorry but...

I usually never Hate Hate HATE a movie. Nomatter what movie I can find atleast one thing I liked nomatter how terrible, but for the life of me I can't find a thing about this one I like . The few who defend it offer their opinion and in more viewing I tried taking them into consideration, but I just cant find anything. I payed 3 bucks for this, and regret it, because I could have gotten a cheap indi film with no value and most likely have enjoyed it more.

Sorry but in my opinion it gets a 0/10
Nomovie ive ever seen in my life (and thats an infinate amount) gets a 0, except this.

If life is so fair why do roses have thorns.


No apologies needed. I think this is one of those situations where it's acceptable for the villagers to round up their pitch forks and drive the ogre out. This beast of a film deserves no sympathy.


I hated it too. I'd call it 'smut', and I don't use that word lightly. It's garbage on every level. 0/10 and one of the 2 or 3 worst movies I've ever seen.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Thankfully, I just spend 75 cents on this DVD. This "Hotel" is completely vacant – scriptless, directionless, pointless. 2/10 stars from me, only because I've seen several 1/10s that were inaudible and even worse.
