I miss this show!

Yeah, well the title kind of says it all. Does anyone else?



i liked it too they had cute boys on this show.


ah so do i. i lovedd this show so freakin much and now its just goneee i hate that i wish i could see it again =(


they could at least show reruns

"I should tell you I'm disaster"


Wow, I thought that I was the only one. The show was too shortlived. I say, bring back the reruns!


Yeah me too. I have a copy of some episodes and I already saw them like a hundred times. lol I wanna see the others.

then the guns rang one last shot and it felt like a bullet in her heart



I miss it, too. I've always watched them. I wish they had stayed like they were on the show..


Well. I shall confess that I did miss the show at times. It wasn't perfect, there were some bad acting and plot holes at times, but still the show was mostly watchable and entertaining


Meh, I miss Two of a Kind a lot more. But I'll take this show over nothing!
