Am I seeing things?

*Potential Spoiler*

Is it just me, or is the disheveled looking guy in the subway station who tells Niobe that it took 72 hours for Zion to fall the last time (Its in a Live-action cutscene immediately after the "Agent on Board" level when playing as Niobe) actually The Architect? If he's not, does anyone have any idea why he says what he does? Just wondering...


I don't know, he didn't look at all like The Architect, though. I swear i saw his mug on the trailers for the next movie, tho.


the bum wasnt the architect... and yes he is in the trailer for revolutions during the end of the credits for reloaded.


Yeah, I watched the mini movie a couple more times and I think I was mistaken. It's kind of weird that he doesn't have any other part in the movies or the game, at least thus far (he is shown in the preview for the next movie at the end of the game). Is there going to be another video game to tie in with the next film (I had heard that there is, but I haven't seen anything specific)
Thanks for the imput!


I have a feeling that this guy also appears in Reloaded. I may be wrong (please correct me if I am), but isn't he the guy Neo sees being taken away just before he sits down infront of the Merovingian?


A friend of mine and I suspected this as well and went back and reviewed that scene in Reloaded (while I've seen it 3 times in the theatres [4 after this weekend when I'm seeing it in IMAX] it's not easy to pick up on these things at so fast a pace ... so I do admit to having grabbed the, uh, "internet version" so I could pause it at my leisure for exactly this type of analysis, where necessary [it helps in transcribing some of that thick dialogue too!!]).

Anyway, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be the same guy (at least, it doesn't appear to be the same ACTOR; we've already had to change a few around between the first film, and the sequels, and the game). But you're right, whoever it was, they seemed to make a point of showing him being escorted out, and even an apparent moment of eye contact between him and Neo.

It'll be interesting to see what thoughts other people on here have about this!! I've wondered a lot about this guy (or, THESE GUYS, if they are indeed two separate characters) myself.

C ya!

*Just a spectator, enjoying the ride*


The hobo is the "Train Man", an ally of the Merovingian that plays an important role in the begining of The Matrix Revolutions.


I belive they called him the Trainman I think. Though I do wonder who the hell he really is.


He is definitely the Trainman. He's obviously in charge of the train, but what I'm not 100% sure of is the purpose of the train. I think it said somewhere that the train takes progams from the Matrix back to the Machine City.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange aeons even death may die. -H.P. Lovecraft
