The acting

I thought the performances were top-notch, especially from Hope Davis, who I love! A shame Campbell Scott wasn't in it, even for a scene or two, but his direction was assured & even when the twist came into play it wasn't treated in the usual "let's repeat all the hints so you don't have to remember them for yourself" routine!

"Why? I'll tell you why. Because a fruit cart, A STINKING FRUIT CART, killed my pa!"



Yeah, I was surprised. I watched it because Denis Leary was in it and he was really good in it! I want him to do more stuff like this... But, I guess this movie is one of a kind. Though, someone in another post compared it to 12 Monkeys. But I haven't seen that.


Fascinating performances all around, and especially from Mr. Leary and Ms. Davis. It's so depressing I have a hard time watching it. It's a flawed beauty, this movie. I'm sorry to say I must agree with those who say of Campbell Scott that he is dull. He's talented, I can enjoy some of his work, but only if I'm in the mood for something very slow-paced.
