Rather Depressing

The movie got rather depressing towards the end. Especially the Crazy Bee death scene --- dying on his birthday and all of that. Kind of pulled a Roger (Dawn of the Dead) on us. And the ending was depressing, too. I figured that it would've gotten funnier at the very end, but I guess not. Cool movie, though. Crazy Bee was the most enjoyable.

"...Rolls...has big tits"
heh, at least they tried to put some humor into his death.



Yeah, but regardless, they were both cool. Although, I enjoyed Bio Zombie more, especially because of Crazy Bee, plus it was funnier, but with less zombie-movie references.

Both seem to had the same "pace", though, except Shaun of the Dead starts funny, gets depressing, and ends happy, Biozombie just goes straight from being funny to depressing.

"Sidekick pal becomes zombie."
Who? I don't think Crazy Bee became a zombie. Unless you're referring to Loi (was that his name?).

I think the ending was just a bad attempt at a "shocker" ending, that or so people wouldn't label it as a full-on comedy.



I personally thought the ending was the best part. I was expecting some 'I'll stand alone against the whole world' type ending you often see in movies like this. But, instead I was quite pleased with a more unexpected ending that raised an already entertaining movie to whole new level.


Did Bee become a zombie? In the ending garage scene, you saw him, but I thought that was a flashback. Now I'm confused..




I don't think Crazy Bee came back as a zombie at the end, Woody was just really high off of his last smoke, and probably from the adrenaline of being surrounded by zombies. At least that's what I got from the scene.



you're spot on. The guy is like tripping off marijuana all of the time, we knew that from the scene where he was interrogated by the cops in the security room. This movie is extremely wacky, laughed my socks off everytime i see it.


I thought of it as Bee's ghost, sticking with his friend through the entire thing. You know, one of those, "I'm still here by your side, do this thing."


Considering what transpired for the first half of the movie, I really was surprised to find that in the second half, the movie ended up being not a comedy but a tragedy.....

I'm not sure it's the choice I would have made, but it's the movie's tragic ending that really made this movie unpredictable and memorable.


And Crazy Bee absolutely DID NOT come back as a zombie; Invincible Woody made the painful decision to crush his head before he could become a zombie. What he saw in the garage was either his imagination, a hallucination or Bee's spirit. I'd like to think it's the latter.


Yeah, definately. Especially the end scene where Woody gets back into the car and wordlessly drinks the remainder of the soda. It's brilliant that the movie managed to be so slapstick all throughout but wind down and end on such a tragic note.


Yeh, I've seen a hell of a lot of zombie movies and was actually touched by the ending. It's truly tragic, in a low key way.

The Enemy is tempting you with Cola.


* SPOILERS (You people could learn from this) *

Unlike many other comedy-, horror- and comedy/horror-movies I've seen, I actually cared about the two fun-loving heroes in the end. The way it slowly goes from wacky to serious is in my opinion amazing.

A movie doesn't have to be bad, just because it has a sad ending.


This was the first zombie film to make me cry.


Crazy Bee was the man.


I've teared up at other ones, but Bee's death was surprisingly the hardest to watch, emotionally. In part, I think it was the amount of time spent on it and how relatively real it felt.


this is so interesting. my biggest problem with Bio Zombie was that I found every main character extremely unlikeable.

I suppose you think I'm going insane just to be fashionable.


i woul have killed her

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.



probably one of my favorite movies of all time and all you myspacers, peep this, hilarious:


"Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky."


Exactly what i was thinking while watching this movie just now. I felt nothing when each one of them died, and don't get me started on the ending, either of them :( Two endings were shot, and they are just as bad as each other.


Thanks for the spoiler alert, *beep*


Even Though the ending was I actually rather enjoyed it that way. I have scene way to many zombie films that have a way to happy ending and this was a very refreshing relief.


I for one don't mind the ending. It makes a change from the usual crap we're fed by Hollywood. If they did it it would have ended in one of two ways. The two guys would have died and the girl got away (how original!) or some survived the ending. To go the way this movie did is not the Hollywood way. And some wonder why people are getting sick of Hollywood's mentality of the Disney type endings to their horror movies.

"He wipes his ass with his record contract. I love this guy!"


I thought the ending was so powerful. Unexpectedly depressing and my favourite end to any zombie movie ever.

On the moon, weekends now take up the entire week, and jobs have been phased out accordingly
