Ed mutha-frikkin Lautner

His role as football coach had me rolling. Great charachter actor from the 70's. Between Lautner, Mr. T, and Randy Quaid, I gotta go with Ed. His curse=laden diatribes (longest yard) really hit the spot.

Son, you can't polish a turd


His over the top rage is classic.

"You should be so lucky you're still in goddamn uniform goddammit," and breaks Jake's back Bane style. Or whatever he did there.



Love when Reggie Ray is unconscious and the coach has him tied to two other players and he just falls over.

"Goddammit Reggie Ray!"


wish he had a bigger part, lol, best thing about the movie except that whore with no clothes on


he was great...and it's Lauter, not Lautner
