An honest review

This movie didn't rule or suck, it was worth every dollar I spent on it.

I think that while the Rock is a wrestler turned actor, he is still a very good one. His dialog is not full of stupid cheesy spoofs and as long as he keeps his stupid stare out of his roles I am happy. I hate wrestling cause it's fake, and while some of the fists to fists and throws and kicks were so wrestling like, I got over it.

The sword fighting was cool as hell. This movie showed people actually hitting stuff and not cleaving the air then cutting the camera before they would impact. The flaming dual blade effect was sweet. His swordsman skill was absolutely awesome. I myself used to train with swords, was no where near that damn good, but I learned a thing or two. Can't do crap now though. At any rate, on with more of the movie.

Reaction in Dialog could be better, but it is a small price to pay. The casting was very well done, each character gave a fair share of intensity to their parts, even each guard. The sorceress was just uncanny, definately an actress headed toward a good career if not already pursuing one.

I am just glad the movie was as much of a flop as so many make it out to be, it was a good flick. Can't say it rules though, acting just wasn't all that serious, but did enough for the roles, and the rock...well...let's just say it is a role suitable for him.

"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Gun" - Army of Darkness - Ash (Bruce Campbell)
