MovieChat Forums > The Scorpion King (2002) Discussion > this flick stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!...

this flick stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is one of the worst films i have ever seen!! who else thinks it deserves to be on the imdb worst 250 list?

the sun is shining but the ice is still slippery


Not untill marci x is on that list. The scorpian king wasnt that bad anyways so i think its 5.3 rating is perfect


seriously, what is wrong with you people??? WHY....why in all of gods green goodness would you go to see a movie starring THE ROCK and expect a classic cinematic achievement? if you like to see people fighting and getting blown up (especially when its so ridiculous its funny) while the rock calmly flirts with a sexy lady, the rock's movies are for you. otherwise, DO NOT SEE IT and stop bothering people who enjoy such ridiculous movies, myself among them.


your wrong, this was better than the mummy.


how could you say this is better than the mummy? the sequel wasnt as good as the original but the first was pretty damn good... this is a joke compared to it
They're not love handles when nobody loves you!!!!


It's not bad enough for that: not good, but not truly 'I'd rather gouge my eyes out than watch another moment of this crap' horrible.


Agree. Not that 2002 was a 'classic' film year, in fact only one other film really deserved to be deemed a classic film, but this film was amongst the worst. The cgi used was really bad, ILM are simply makeing the WETA boys look so much better, by proving ILM are inferior in every way, simple or hard.

The acting was WAY below par. I think ILM should give up, ane let WETA take over, then we might at least get some decent special effects, not the colourful video console trash we get here. Do they even actually watch the end product, or do they merely think they have done a good job?

Deserves to be in the bottom 100.



I agree,this film was awful.The Rock can't really act,and neither can Kelly Hu.This film was supposed to be a big deal for her,but all she's been in since are trashy films.The guy who said she was headed for good things is out of his mind,she's just hack actress eye candy,like 90% of the other actresses out there.Anyway,I guess my biggest problem is that I know history,and while there was a Scorpion King,the movie had little do with who he actually was and the cast were a bunch of people who would have never have been in ancient Egypt.Sorry,I just can't dumb myself down.
