Another Goof?

In the scene where Mathayus and co: are at the Oasis, they are ambushed by the VietCong (or at least Nubians, dressed like VietCong.).

But it appears that the VietCong is sporting... Crossbows? Doesn't this movie take place roughly 3000 B.C? Were crossbows invented back then?


Crossbows? Of course not. But what is historically accurate in this movie anyway? It´s a fun movie. That´s what it is.


I find the film pretty enjoyable too (almost in the veign of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves). I just wish the film had been slightly more serious (The Rock kills over a 100 guards without breaking a sweat, for example), and had made it a bit longer. It could really have been an outstanding action/adventure film.
