MovieChat Forums > Dogville (2004) Discussion > Before you watch this

Before you watch this

I picked this up from the library because it looked intersting and the Information that is given says nothing about the fact that this movie is presented as a play. For some that may not be a big deal but I found it off putting since its not what I was expecting. Even without the presentation me and my wife couldn't get through 20 minutes of this. With the narration and the labels on the sets it felt like the author of winnie the pooh attempting a serious drama.


Hmm, I must've missed the part where they sing "Rumbly in my Tumbly." Must've been too busy shooting infants.


had you been willing to put your expectations aside and watch Dogville in its entirety, you would have seen that it was not a mere attempt at a serious drama, but a bona fide serious drama that doesn't come off at all like a children's story

that doesn't mean you necessarily would have liked the movie, but there is a reasonable chance you would have, since what it becomes isn't anything like the way the first 20 minutes felt to you

sometimes my own expectations get in the way of enjoying certain movies. re-watching with those unrealistic expectations out of the way can be a much more rewarding experience than the first viewing. I try to keep in mind that it is not a movie's job to validate my preconceptions or to conform to what I am used to seeing, and therefore it is not reasonable for me to judge a movie based on those criteria

2014 Screenings:


It's good advice. I did enjoy the film, but it could be helpful for those wanting to watch it. I'm glad I gave it a chance. My first thought was: I hope the entire movie isn't going to be like this. It seemed rather cheesy and low budget (I know it wasn't actually a budget issue, but an artistic one) at first, but the film grew on me. It was an interesting story, and I wanted to see how it all played out.


If I wanted to go see a play,I would have,I can't watch this because of that.I think this is what he was trying to say.So I said it.I turned it off once I realized that it was in fact a play.


"If I wanted to go see a play,I would have,I can't watch this because of that"

What a bizarre reason to miss out on such a great story.
Use your imagination, for Christ's sake.


Why not for Buddha's sake?

They sucked his brains out!


Well, I think the whole point of the scenario was focusing on the personal drama of the characters (in which, my opinion, the director succeded), and I personally had the sensation that sometimes the scenario even plays a secondary poetric role, like when bad stuff are happening and people actually can see it, but pretend that they aren't. That's pretty cool.

So, my advice for the ones that want to watch this movie is that if you manage to swallow the scenario thing and the three hours of film, you'll be rewarded with an intriguing ending and a great movie that for sure will make you think about human nature.


I was really put off too and didn't really like it for the first hour, but I kept watching and I ended up loving it.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.
