Worst movie ever?

I seriously think this is one of the worst movies I have ever watched.

How can anyone think it is a good movie?

I just don´t get it.



One doesn't get it, thus claiming it to be the "worst movie ever", and the other couldn't even watch all of it. I hope you two don't think that you've accomplished an intellectual achievement by admitting what you've said.


What a lame comment.


Right, yours isn't. At all.


Millermand, consider the fact that movies are a medium of storytelling, by which various techniques are used to entertain and stimulate the audience. This director chose to simplify the visuals in order to focus his audience on the story, which is thick enough to benefit from such a unique visual technique. As for the length of a movie; how long should a movie take to tell a story of vulnerability, human nature, and betrayal to the degree that an entire collective is turned upside-down realistically, in order to please you? Shakespeare used to take 4-5 hours.

Perhaps you should let the director know that his profound exploration of human corruption wasn't good enough for you, and he can add in some transformers next time.


I hate Transformers, GI Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but I also found actors working in an imaginary setting and using imaginary props to be taxing. If I wanted this kind of experience I'd go see a play but even they have more environment than this so called "film." I was very disappointed.

Also, Jeremy Davies is a fraud. I swear when they cast him, they say "just do what you do, Jeremy." He should be ashamed that his "schtick" that is all that he has to offer. He's the definition of a one-trick pony.

I see Stupid People...


"I also found actors working in an imaginary setting and using imaginary props to be taxing."

Wow, I can only imagine the utter hell it must be for you to read a novel.


Wow, I can only imagine the utter hell it must be for you to read a novel.
Arrogantly put sir. I'm not one of your run-of-the-mill IMDb self-styled sophisticates, that call books "novels" and movies "films," but I'd put my IQ against anyone's without hesitation. And I've also read a few books in my life. Watching Dogville has nothing to do with reading a book, I just couldn't immerse myself in the story as it was offered.

Tolerance Is Intolerant Of Politically Incorrect Thought...🇺🇸


Calling this movie "a profound exploration of human corruption" is quite an overstatement, but then again you artsy "film" types are always assigning undue significance to anything that's done in an unusual manner. Someone having a bowel movement while standing on their head, would probably make you swear you saw God.

I see Stupid People...


The OP said he doesn't "get" why other people love this movie. He didn't say he doesn't "get" the movie itself. But you're the superior intellect, TheMichael.

Even your username reflects your superiority.

I see Stupid People...


Well.. I'm not the artsy type.
I hate artsy films, although studying film directing I was supposed to love 'em.

I hate Von Trier's work in general.
And him.

I didn't like the concept of the stage with chalk and everything.

Yet, this worked for me.
It worked as a powerful ethical essay, really, on the arrogance of double-standards, even when they are meant to be benevolent and merciful.

I would've been amazed in the sequel, were it not wasted for a "freedom can easily be squandered and structure beats chaos, even if it was freedom" thing.

The story would've had a better angle if Grace weren't so stubborn and regressed after the first film.


Yeah, you are right, it's very uncreative. I'd like to see your art and creativity.

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


I like movies that offers me something visually and movies with nerve and depth.
For instance movies like Il postino and The orphanage.

I don´t like movies that looks like experiments made by some high school students.

Just because I don´t like this movie, please stop *beep* about it, and accept that I do not share your taste in certain movies.


You have every right not to like it for your own reasons, just as much as everyone does, like I get too bored by Lord of the Rings, for example. It's not your kind of film and that's perectly fine. But to claim there is no nerve and depth in it only shows you did not understand it at all, as there is quite a lot of both. And I mean a LOT.
(Of course, just to be clear, I by no means imply that you are stupid because you didn't understand it, but it is a film one needs to care for, in order to get to its core. If you didn't care for it, your reaction is very natural)
Dogville indeed does not offer much visually, because its value lurks elsewhere.

By the way, if high-school students made films like this, cinema would be RICH and teenagers would be considered the most mature.

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


I totally agree with that. Value Certainty does lurk elsewhere. Too bad so many are wooed by theatrics and computer generated images. There is a lot to be said for good acting. This is a very well acted film. And it does take a brain to see the plot.


Thanks for spoiling the entire movie for me, my bad i clicked on this thread to see if it might be worth watching or not


GAH *beep* spoilers mate!


This entire thread is a visual abortion. Special shoutout to Pickgirl89 for not even knowing how to use the "spoiler feature". Thanks for sharing your truly original and thought-provoking insight.


pickgirl you are a stupid *beep* biitch


It depends on how old you are. Maybe you cannot understand it.
This film is a masterpiece. Total philosophy.


Well, I am 39 years old, but there is really not much to understand about this movie. It is simply a stupid experiment made for the sake of the experiment. And yes, I am well educated, and do watch movies that offers me something intellectually, and blah blah blah. You have your opnion and I have mine. And in my opinion, this is NOT a good movie. It reminds me of The emperor´s new clothes. I am the boy saying "But he isn't wearing anything at all!".


I don't want to get involved with this whole comment fight about whether you're smart if you care for this movie or the opposite - but your example from the "Emperor's new clothes" triggered something in me.
To me, that sounds like you were so frustrated about the lack of the visuals that you didn't experience Grace's transition of tolerance as something special.
To me, it took some time to live myself into the universe of a visually lacking story - and I lost it several times - But as the conditions grew more extreme and the characters' developed I grew to love imagining the bushes and the dog - and thought it was cool that you could see what people were occupied with, when they were totally unaware of some scandal and drama happening, in reality, right next to them.
Also, I subconsciously grew to think it was fun to imagine what the characters could really see.
In the risk that you'll take it like a personal attack, I came to think you take a lot of pride in judging things for their reality. While I completely understand, since I'm a logical guy myself, it just occurred to me that you could be afraid of imagination and raw feelings. I have no clue if there's any truth to this in your case but I know from myself that sometimes you can be so sure you're open-minded but later you realize you were stubbornly guarding your emotions.
I guess I just wanted to place a seed of doubt, so you could get a chance to experience what me, and probably many others, experienced about this movie.



The fact that you're 39 does not mean that you have good taste or that you know *beep* about movies. It just means that you should already get your prostate checked.


Well, making pretentious comments doesn't mean you know sh** about movies either.


And yes, I am well educated, and do watch movies that offers me something intellectually, and blah blah blah.
You desperately need to prove something, n'est-ce pas?

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


I am amazed that while you are so adamantly defending your high intellect and education, (claiming to be a teacher, even), you have twice written, ". . . and do watch movies that offers me something intellectually."

I am floored that someone educated enough to be a teacher does not know the simple rules of subject-verb agreement. You should have written, ". . and do watch movies that offer (not offers) me something intellectually,"


Maybe english is not his/her native language. For some reason people here always forget that the whole world uses imdb, not just americans.


Don't worry, it's obvious you don't get it. Many didn't and many never will. It's not for the masses, it's for those who care enough about it and have some brains.
Obviously, you didn't give a *beep* about it, so just let it go and find some other board.

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


I don´t get it? Wait a minute, till I have stopped laughing. It is for those with brains? Oh, I see, and you have lots of brains I suppose :)
I am a teacher, and I do have brains, and most possibly more than you. You are just a narrowminded, arrogant, person, and doesn´t exactly sound that clever at all. People with brains don´t boast about it. I acept that you like the movie, so why can´t you accept that I don´t like it? Not really an intelligent way of behaving ;)


Yeah, sorry about that, it seems I was too hateful with no reason, but honestly, sometimes I read stuff that has been said about it, especially by some 'professional' critics, that really gets me mad.

Anyway, as I said above, it's not for everyone, and I don't think you can deny that. There are those who were able to see through it and embrace its logic, and those who just could not get past the fact that there were no sets.

I get very irritated by all those who trash the film and insult its fans, while being too sure on how the film objectively sucks, so those who like it must subsequently suck too.
But your post was not like that and you didn't deserve that sort of reply. My bad. :)

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


I really hope you are not an english/language teacher, because both your grammar, your rethoric and your entire way of arguing is just flat out horrible.
If you are really a 39-year old teacher, and not just a 15-year old whining about a movie he was never meant to understand, you should take a hard look at how you present yourself on the interwebs.
Just my 2 cents.

Oh and by the way, this movie is up there with one of the biggest masterpieces of all time, as is most of Lars von Triers works. I also sympathize with the Genious that is Lars.


I am sorry, but I can´t take anyone seriously, who has stolen their screenname from a famous, british comedy show. Sorry.


If you use your educated eyes you will see that I have had this profile since 2004. Excuse me for being original. You should answer the question instead.

Oh and by the way: BUUUURN.


LOLZ. The british comedyshow, "Smack the pony", started in 1999. So much for your originality, LOLZ :)

Secondly, kiddo ;) You have not posted any question, so what do you want me to answer?

And third but not least, your primitive and unintelligent remarks, such as "BUUUURN", is just another proof of you age kiddo :)


I have not seen this movie.

But I must seriously question your skills in film critiscism if you think anything but "Santa Claus meets the Ice Cream Bunny" is deserving of the "Worst Movie Ever" title.


I don´t watch children´s movies, sorry. So I wouldn´t know.


We could have guessed you don't have kids.


Rather than say "you're an idiot for not liking this movie" I sort of feel bad that you weren't as awestruck by it as I was.

Oh well, what makes the world in interesting place is the breadth of human minds.

The paradox is that if everybody liked this movie and understood it fully, it would never have been made... the subject material could not have existed.


You see - and I thought it was the best movie I've seen in the last 20 years. I find that a lot who hate this movie didn't actually see all of it. It definitely starts off slow and tedious, but it becomes incredible and unique. The descent of seemingly decent gently townsfolk into evil was brilliantly portrayed, imo.


Best troll ever! lol


That's because your stupid. It's ok, your not alone.


LOL. You´re kind of cute bknylife :)

It seems you are a kid though. You rated Find Nemo 8.1

And I can tell it by all the other kid´s movies you have rated, LOL ;)

So, it´s ok. I don´t take your immature somments seriously :)


Cute? I'll smashed you with my pinky, I have good taste, and I can appreciate a good movie. Finding Nemo is a *beep* good film, your probably to insecure to enjoy it. But It's okay, Simple Little Neanderthals like you are a dime a dozen.


I see no need to comment this. Your words speak for themselves


I find it quite telling that you have the immaturity to berate others for liking films which are geared towards younger audiences. So tell me then; is Toy Story good? How about Beauty and the Beast? The Lion King? If you have truly decided that you do not any films that are geared towards younger audiences, than I truly pity you.

Also, it is fine if you don't like this movie. Trier is a historically divisive director, and differing viewpoints on a film are fine. Just don't be such an *beep* about it.
