MovieChat Forums > Dogville (2004) Discussion > 4/10 This movie blows, like Chloe Sevign...

4/10 This movie blows, like Chloe Sevigny

What a piece of garbage this "film" is. I use the term film loosely, since this is obviously more of a play, as well as elements of a novel/audiobook in there too, what with the PARAGRAPHS AT A TIME of narration.

There's a little mantra that the director Lars von Trier, as well as many of you here, should become familiar with: "Show me, don't tell me"

This movie is all about telling things explicitly, with no art to it. I mean, like I said before, the narrator literally TELLS us things paragraphs at a time: "Grace felt sad. She felt like the chain that she carried around was a symbol for bla bla bla bla bla". Not to mention the dialogue in the car between James Caan & Nicole Kidman, which just spells things right out.

Chloe Sevigny is absolutely amateurish and awful in this. Her performance seriously felt like that of a high school drama student trying to play the role of a period-piece type character in the school play. The performances from the other actors are not much better, what with the terrible production qualities and camera work, as well as the fact that they all seem to be whispering all the damn time.

The theme of "Even 'good' people are really just pieces of scum", which, again, is delivered without a shred of subtlety or artistic feel, doesn't even fit in this particular case, because from the very beginning it is apparent that these people are not really very GOOD - they are Puritanical, judgmental, close-minded hillbilly idiots.
Besides, the actions of the townspeople make no sense whatsoever - Why would they keep her like a chained up slave the way they did? Why wasn't she free to leave the town - why did she have to try to escape in that guy's apple truck? It makes absolutely no sense, if you're trying to convey the message that these are "good everyday American people", that they would keep her captive and constantly rape her while preventing her from "escaping (why is she being held prisoner again?)".


I chuckle at you people who have deluded yourselves into thinking this is brilliant. If you want to watch brilliant storytelling with interesting things to say and themes to show, but that does it with artistic subtlety and follows the "Show me, don't tell me" cardinal rule, watch something like The Wire. Sure, that's a 50-hour TV series we're talking about there, but hell, this movie felt like it was approaching the 50-hour mark by the time it was done.

As far as the play-style, no scenery gimmick, it was exactly that - A GIANT GIMMICK. Actually, with a rewriting of the script, and some actual movie production, this could be a very good proper movie. They really should've just gone on location and filmed it as an actual movie, instead of trying to be the second coming of Our Town. The gimmick actually DISTRACTS from the story and characters, unlike what some of you are saying, which is that without any scenery and with everything being set like a play, your mind is free to just focus on the characters & story - Utter rubbish I say.

The whole movie just comes off as an amateurish attempt at being deep & philosophical about the nature of humans. It reminds me of 28 DAYS LATER, when *****SPOILERS*********

in the last 1/3 of the movie, the survivors come across a military outpost that they think will be their salvation, but the soldiers have turned into a bunch of murderous rapists, because, you know, they've gone an entire MONTH without getting laid. You see, humans are even worse than the zombies!!! OMG!! What a great point you've just made, Mr Director!!


Sevigny, with all her modern gestures and postures, constantly reminded me that it wasn't really the 1930s, no matter how hard I tried to get into it. In fact, she constantly reminded me that it was just a movie.

"Facts are stubborn things" - Ronald Reagan


These troll posts are so painfully obvious


In the name of the king 3 is a far more superior film than this trash.


generous 6/10, but only because Nicole was unreasonably beautiful in this movie

not a fan of Von Trier's work

so many movies, so little time


Such an original and funny title for this thread, Victor. Soooo original! "Blows like Chloe Savigney" get it? its cause she gave a guy head in a movie once! What a slut! Only sluts suck on penis'! Shocking!
