MovieChat Forums > Blueberry (2004) Discussion > Jan Kounen and shamanism

Jan Kounen and shamanism

I think that shamanism is an absolutely fascinating subject, and I was glad to see it portrayed with so much respect and relative realism in this film. I think that had Jan Kounen not had shamanic experiences himself, the film would have been no where near as good. I have tried desperately to find somewhere to get a hold of extra materials on this film, but have been unable to. There is a 2 disc DVD out with extensive extras and a commentary, but it is only in French (which I do not speak) and I dont think it is not even subtitled in English. Jan Kounen also wrote a book called "Visions" about shamanism that came with a DVD of his seemingly very hard to find documentary on shamanism "Other Worlds" but I can't find anywhere that it is sold. I found a French web page that I think says the DVD will be rereleased by itself next June, but I do not speak French so I'm not sure.
For anyone out there who speaks French, have you seen the documentaries on 2 disc dvd for Blueberry or Other Worlds? If so, do you know if they have english subtitles? What sort of things are discussed on the DVD? Is there a lot of attention given to the shamanic aspects of the film, or do they just talk about the production and the technical aspects of making the film? I would love to see it for myself, as my DVD has no extras at all unfortunately.


The DVD Other Worlds has originally been released 2004 and it seems to be hard to find. I tried to browse through some French sites but didn't find it, all places tell me it is currently unavailable. Official site has not been updated for years, so it doesn't offer much information.

I'm sure you have already seen this, but I post it anyway, just in case.

I have only the 1 disc version of Blueberry (at least so far) so I can't tell you anything about the extras there. I have a small booklet, "Blueberry - un experience secret", which is about the making of the Blueberry movie. I could check it out to see if there is anything more about shamanism and/or possible links for finding information. That will have to wait until the Christmas is over, though. I don't have time right now, but if you can wait, I'll get back to you closer to the New Year.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


Thank you for offering to help. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



Bluberry is my favorite film, and i also have the Other world.
You can contact me on [email protected] I'm going to help you.


I also had problems gettin hold of this film and have hadto make do with a Dutch version. When I watch it with dutch friends they translate the Native American language spoken parts for me as there are dutch subs for those sections !
The Dutch dvd also has an interview with Jan and making of doc'.
I love this film !!!!
I can't wait to borrow the office projector and watch this with some mates after a toke or 2 =D I've been bangin on about it to them since i first saw it in Holland last year.
I'm gona write to Tartan Video here in the UK and see if they think there's enough about this film to do an English version !!!!

Peace !
