The ending...

Did Blueberry die at the end?

"Hey, *beep* Gimme a beer!"
David Della Rocco, the Boondock Saints


Watch the film again, please.


No need, no intention

I know that they were swimming underwater at the end an all that jazz, but then they cut to landscape shots and this indian dude who keeps talking about spirits and so on.
I just wondered if they drowned themselves or something.

It doesn't really matter, it wasn't that good a movie.

"They've misunderestimated me!"


He "died" and became "reborn". He went through a certain experience that made the world like you were seeing it for the first time again. Hence the last quote "Welcome to the new world." Read up some info on shamanic rebirth and it will make sense.


It was better than you are a watcher.


There's one thing I don't understand about the ending: it's the one scene that can be seen after the end credits, in which you can see Madsen sitting on a rocking chair in the middle of the desert, with other cowboys sitting around him... Anybody can explain that? Is that a metaphore about death? That's very confusing...


Up... Anybody have an opinion about that?

ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if you don't take it out and use it, it's going to rust!



The scene after the credits looked like an extention of the scene from earlier in the movie. It showed the guy with the glasses (forget the characters name) holding the map. It looked like it was while they were in the desert looking for the "treasure" before they encountered Juliette Lewis' men and killed them. Not sure what signifance that could have since it was a past event.



Yeah, that puzzled me too.


Perhaps...well...I dont beleive they went through physical death when they were on that drug thing and going through the different little colors and snakes and whatnot. So perhaps he (Madson) DID wake up, but just a different person? I really dont know. The ending seemed too abrupt and the whole movie made zero sense to me.
