
I just saw this movie available at Blockbuster. I'm a fan of westerns, and supernatural stuff, so I thought that the story line looked really interesting. Now I've heard it sucks and that it's based off of comics/graphic novels. Are the comics/graphic novels available in the US?



Anyway the Blueberry comics are very different and are not mystical at all ...
the author is Jean Giraud aka Moebius, that is well-known in Sci-Fi comics (L'incal, or Edena for instance) in Europe that are best-sellers for decades. He participated in moviers like Aliens, the 5th elemnt etc as well ...
Since I'm French I don't knwo if it's available in the USA but i guess it is available in English ... somewhere.


Ive been checking around, and I've been pretty disgusted by what I've found. There are very few translations that are available in print, to the point that I'm considering picking up a primer on the French language and getting the French version.

Also, many of the titles are out of print (even the French ones), a much larger problem. Most of his sci fi titles are available, but you have to dig around.

I don't see them coming anytime soon, not with America's current trend of looking down its nose at all things French.

Its a real shame, Jean "Moebius" Giraud is a real master of the medium and it'll be a real treat to finally get to read his work...but who knows when that will be.


The comic is in one word fantastic! Especially the later Blueberries (The mine of Prosit, Broken Nose) are awesome.

But I guess no American publisher thinks that an European western comic is worth the trouble...a real shame for all you Yanks! ;-)



Not sure if you're still checking this thread, because it's been awhile since it was posted. To answer your question,, keyword "Lieutenant Blueberry". They have the graphic novels for sale. As far as the comic book issues, good luck, because i think they're all in french.


I am absolutely sure the comics were translated in english: I have the copy in my hands:
The Blueberry saga: Confederate gold (5 episodes: Chihuahua Perl, Half-a-million dollar man, Ballad for a coffin, The outlaw, Angel face)
MOJO Press
P.O. Box 140005
Austin, Texas 78714

I bought it some 10 years ago...

Movie remakes compared to original


... And I found another one (also in English):

Marshal Blueberry: The Lost Dutchman's mine
Published by Epic Comics
387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
ISBN # 0-87135-569-8

This is the very episode where they took Wally and Prosit characters. But the story is lightyear away from the movie's story; it's much more complicated and exciting.

Movie remakes compared to original


yeah, i was wondering, does this really appeal to western movie fans, i checked it out a while ago, and if i recall right, it don't feel like much of a western. after seeing just a few minutes of it, i started loosing interest in it, maybe it helps to have been aware the comic series its based on to enjoy the movie.

climb over, and look at this,
never thought a junkyard would make me feel so rich,
ain't it funny what people throw away,
i can still use the things, that they had yesterday,
take my advice,
and don't look for new things all the time,
do like i, inspection a junkyard,
that's where you'll find, alote of great stuff are,
finding number 1, a lamp that still glows,
i find a treasure everwhere i go,
some may call you all kind of names and stuff, but..
some may wonder why the heck you are carrying home rust, but..
hey buddy, look at this, around the wreck,
can't believe they classed this as garbage,
on this yunkyard inspection,
don't mind peoples reaction,
just dig in, and find something you like,
they throw stuff away, way before "best before date" time,
wherever you are,
take my advice, and check out the local junkyard.
