
How many stars would you give to this movie? ( that mean Below).
The max is 10 stars
the min is 0 star

I give this movie a 10 stars yall.


I don't know if I'd give it a 10 star rating, 8 at the most. Don't get me wrong I was suprised when I sore it, good movie, I disagree when people say it's just another ghost story... How many ideas can you come out with, for a Sci-Fi movie, that hasn't been done?

This one was rather good, I honestly got the impression during the movie that the crew were dead, as one suggested.. How would that end? Interesting idea on that one.

Good movie.






Just like the voting system on imdb eh?


7/10. Better than i expected, which is always a pleasant surprise.


2 out of 5...not scary, not suspenseful...not very good.


2 out of 10 - the first half was OK, but then it got VERY boring. Not a very good storyline at all. All I can say to the person who gave it 10 out of 10 - you need to watch A LOT more movies - A LOT !!
