MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > What sub(s) were used in production?

What sub(s) were used in production?

Hi all

Anyone know which boat was used for the control room/hatchway sequences?


* J *


USS Silversides - (sorry, you'll have to cut and paste--I seem to have lost hyperlink capability)
We just visited there this summer - on the tour of the sub a clip of the movie was shown and the guide explained that the sub was towed out to the middle of Lake Mich. for some of the scenes, but the control room scenes were a set - as the real control room is to cramped to accommodate film equip.

My 4 year old was so taken with the clip he wants to see the movie - that's why I came to imdb - I'm rather disappointed to learn it's a Horror movie - My son LOVES WW2 movies - Band of Brothers is his Favorite series, but if this is HORROR it may not be appropriate.

If you are near Muskegon, Mich, its worth the visit.



Thanks for the info. I too was wondering about the 'set' used for the movie. I have been aboard a couple of the preserved 'fleet' boats that are in the South. I also had the immediate impression that the scenes in the movie were just too 'roomy' to be on a real submarine. I remember going into the conning tower of one and I found it hard to imagine it with all the people that worked a wartime boat during an attack. I have to credit the set constructors for their attention to detail because so much looked perfect. The movie is a 'horror' movie, mainly dealing with ghosts. The best scene was the one involving the guy checking his reflection in the mirror. If it comes out on DVD, maybe you can rerecord it on VHS editing the parts that could give your 4yr old nightmares? The "Silversides" is on my list of fleet boats to visit someday. If you get the chance to visit Chicago, go see the U-505 at the Museum of Science and Industry. It is a good way to compare the boats.


My mom grew up in Muskegon, and my grandparents still live there. I've been past or on the Silversides more times then I can count (if you take the Lake Express Ferry from Milwaukee it goes right past it on it's way into Muskegon Lake), and even stayed on it overnight during my days in the boy scouts. Anyway, my grandparents told me the sub was taken out to Lake Michigan for a movie, but I coulda swore it was for a documentary. Anyone know if this is the only movie they've used the Silversides for, or were there others? I seem to remember something about a body (dummy) they threw overboard broke it's line and ended up washing ashore somewhere down the lake. I just turned Below on, on AMC, so maybe that's in this movie...



USS Silversides!
i just spent the night in her this past friday with my cubscout troop...VERY cool
some pics i took are at


My friend is a tour guide on the USS Silversides, he's actually the one that gave the tour to the guy talking about his kid wanting to see the movie. If you want to know ANYTHING at all about the sub he could tell you, he never shuts up about it. He said that they spent 2 weeks measuring everything for the set that they built in london to shot the inside shots of the film.


Is the USS Silversides balao class submarine??


Nope, it's a Gato Class
