MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > BELOW. Is not below.

BELOW. Is not below.

I cannot think of another picture that has been so overlook like Below.

I am aware that if the money don't get spent on advertising, then no one knows about it.

This film is a gem.

The cast are of the first order. The special effects are par. And the frights made me jump.

If you have not seen this wonderful movie, then seek it out. Excellent.

But, why does it turn up on TV as if it is dread?

Boy, someone made an awlful decision not to promote this work of art.



I agree


I actually saw this movie partially a couple of weeks ago when it was aired in a Greece's public network...

I am a fan of horror movies and I can tell you this is one of the best horror movies I've seen lately.

I would definetely recommend this movie to any horror fan along with Dead Birds, which is also worth watching!


Did this film even get a theatrical release? It just popped up at my video store one day and I picked it up on a whim cause nothing else that I thought was good came out. Boy was I in for an AMAZING film. Excellent adult film that was chilling and intelligent. It would be a crime if it wasn't wide-released.


Yeah, it was alot better than I expected it to be. I figured it'd be a *beep* shot-in-2-days-for-$200 movies, but just because no one's heard of it doesn't mean it sucks.

Well my little Droogies, what's it gonna be then, eh?


I am in the midst of watching it for the first time now.There's 12 minutes left and I am greatly impressed.I wasn't gonna watch it at all,but the channel got the times for "Below" and "The Howling" mixed up.Man,am I glad I did watch it.It's proved to be a wonderfully chilling horror movie that has kept me on the edge of my seat.Those who haven't seen this movie should watch it.Ecxellent flick.Greatly underrated.

Faith:Are you the bad Slayer now?!...Am I the good Slayer now?


I just saw this movie for the first time and thought it was awesome. Definitely kept me on the edge of my seat until the end.


Just watched this as well. Never even heard of it but it was pretty decent.


I also watched it only because I was intent on watching The Howling. I recorded what was listed as The Howling on AMC last week, but it was this instead. Not a bad waste of time.


very good film, much better than Ghost Ship, which had a bigger advertising budged but was ultimetely rubbish compared to this...



I saw it last night on AMC. My reaction was indifferent...

I enjoyed the sub aspect but the horror element didn't even make me so much as twitch. Nothing scary, nothing chilling. Seemed rather pedestrian to me, frankly.
That said...I haven't been affected by a scary movie since I was about nine years old. I've outgrown the genre (with the possible exception of "Saw"--that *was* creepy).

"Below" wasn't bad but I can't say it was good. If they had done a remake of "The Enemy Below" in reverse with this cast and these you'd have something!!!!!!!!!!


Since you were about nine years old? You must've been one tough kid. That, or you haven't seen a scary movie since, or don't know any decent ones. SAW was not "creepy". It was a gore flick. Nothing creepy about gore. You must be one of the remaining few who aren't desensitized to it. BELOW used the fright formula. Completely different thing. I didn't find it scary either, but that doesn't mean it's not a scary film for many others. That is it's intention. I think the fright scenes were executed well. I particularly enjoyed Loomis' mirror scene. Leaves the tired old bathroom mirror cabinet formula for dead.

Dexter. Takes life. Seriously.



I thought Below was good just nothing amazing. I just watched it and found it hard to stay awake. In fact yesterday I didn't see anything particularly amazing. I saw iMurders (2008) (2.5/10), Predator 2 (1990) (6.5/10), and Below (2002) (6/10). I was disappointed to say the least. I thought at least the last 2 movies would be at least fun.

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